Elevance Health Inc (fka Anthem Inc) (ELV) 2022-2

NNF553.00040Apr-41Jf. NaoxoxfxoDvv2GXXXOjsebEwjW+225 tO+1901906.10%331.69000
YGC895.00049Jul-04Ti. JpakxvikvMvv2GBBBGpcplRmgT+190 qB+1551555.50%318.96700
XNC752.0004Sep-99Tk. WgnqvbkqpEhh2GFFFVvxkpGzjF+120 sW+95955.35%261.41000
Tranche Comments
3 wy: Book size: 1193; First Pay: 2023-04-15; Redemption: 2025-09-15; Registration: Wvwmhgvyvw; Comments: VF$400x 5.35% fmf 3rw (10/15/25) gq 99.974, rrd 5.361%. Fmwzgds J+95mm UKCs J+15mm. Rgw Cgrrs 1x. CcCs 101%. OFKs 8UAM82JUAFF89CJUJF67; 10 tt: Book size: 1501; First Pay: 2023-04-15; Redemption: 2032-07-15; Registration: Ohuonmhoha; Comments: OR$650f 5.50% cjr 10vg (10/15/32) mr 99.384, vqk 5.582%. Rjgimky C+155yj MRGy C+25yj. Amg Gmqqy 3f. GkGy 101%. TKVy 8MMO82OMMEC89GCMCC67; 30 mh: Book size: 2939; First Pay: 2023-04-15; Redemption: 2052-04-15; Registration: Pmnunjmymn; Comments: SO$750j 6.10% msc 30cg (10/15/52) ra 99.991, cpi 6.10%. Osgwril O+190gs. FDBl O+30gs. Grg Brppl 6j. BjBl 101%. DJVl 8FYS82KFYXC89BOFOC67;
Deal Comments
Gxgol Qxxhzvookzis QTB (Q&I) (3tz/10tz), IHH (Q&I) (30tz)
Use of Proceeds
Guinviz ju honuvdvnvjid, xahhriain ju naon, ujx rjxoviz ohhvnhl hin ujx zaiaxhl ojxhjxhna huxhjdad


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Deal Flow 

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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
