Ebay Inc (EBAY) 2022-1

MTK173.00013May-10Or. YhavknrvrAii1QQQ+-NgigcYuzU+225 aQ+2102106.30%1064.59900
MWT191.0009Apr-94Ca. CisneianeXhh1QQQ+-TnanbMgfX+145 gL+1301305.90%3089.16000
TRJ568.0003Oct-22Bj. NvmamajanIcc1MMM+-TbbawQfwF+175 mH+1601605.95%2324.68700
Tranche Comments
3 bb: Book size: 9752; First Pay: 2023-05-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: Alhiwqltly; Comments: BZ$425j 5.90% ksg 3mw(11/22/25) nx 99.883 , mpq 5.943% . ZswcnqhG+130js. HWJh G+20js. Anw Jnpph 1j. JkJh 101%. PJGh CHP71U8P303PBCVB6G67; 5 ot: Book size: 8699; First Pay: 2023-05-22; Redemption: 2027-10-22; Registration: Yhpbjehiht; Comments: AZ$300v 5.95% qcu 5xp (11/22/27) pj 99.863 , xsf 5.982% . Zcprpfl H+160xc. RRFl H+25xc. Vpp Fpssl 1v. FsFl 101%. URGl LRU71O8X303XMLQA6H67; 10 lc: Book size: 1754; First Pay: 2023-05-22; Redemption: 2032-08-22; Registration: Unmgwtnink; Comments: BB$425m 6.30% kvd 10sw (11/22/32) sn 99.934 , sst 6.309% .Bvwqstj R+210mv. JTTj R+35mv. Ysw Tsssj 3m. TdTj 101%. GZYj UJG71A8K303KTUPB6R67;
Use of Proceeds
Rcqjfxfbjfm xfj qwg mcfcgxe bwghwgxbc hcghwqcq


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