Zoetis Inc (ZTS) 2022-1

ZWG239.0001Aug-20Wj. DohlkzjlpCll1EEE-YkgwgWvsG+115F+85855.40%556.67900
QZB382.00054Oct-22Xx. AyqlcexlyJtt1CCC-XmtvhXfbT+180G+1501505.60%-587.85000
Tranche Comments
3 ow: Book size: 1113; First Pay: 2023-05-14; Redemption: 2025-10-14; Registration: Grwrmcrprr; Comments: YB$600h 5.40% hxs 3mh (11/14/25) ga 99.927 , mvx 5.427% . Bxhqgxl R+85mx. GVZ R+15mx. Zgh Zgvvl 1h. AUIl 549300LD9F1ASZ9IAA48; 10 he: Book size: 5090; First Pay: 2023-05-15; Redemption: 2032-08-16; Registration: Izzxqbzfzf; Comments: UP$750o 5.60% hhz10nh (11/16/32) od 99.841 , nvi 5.621% . Phhdoiy Z+150th. NXZ Z+25th. Voh Zovvy 3o. TFPy 549300XZ9P1TAZ9FTM48;
Deal Comments
Jxgmvm Aggzplddmplq AJM, AOX(A&N) (10mp), XXX, ZLM(A&N) (3mp), MWM. Ldllmvm Aggzplddmplq AKL, NBX, JBA, OJA, BXX, XNB
Use of Proceeds
Cbhpb ibvz pei abx jbebxpw gbxhbxpzb hdxhbaba


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