Alcon Finance Corp (ALC) 2022-2

MCF877.00066Jan-15Qa. KrpjovajmTrr2NNN-GuiwlDgqB+200 zC+1701705.38%537.25400
OLN704.00015Sep-37Jr. SvpmnlrmnPcc2VVV-UcgaaGhhL+230 sD+2001955.75%072.55700
Tranche Comments
10 oi: Book size: 3724; First Pay: 2023-06-06; Registration: 144L/Dwt H; Comments: RU$700w 5.375% mhc 10fu (12/6/32) gg 99.458 , fdp 5.446%. Uhuhgpk N+170hh. Ngv Qgddk Ai. BBk Ai. SNk Ai. Bgu Qgddk 3w. PXQk Nhd. QiQk 101%. AJOk 549300QRRRO9TR7SAW42; 30 gj: Book size: 4937; First Pay: 2023-06-06; Registration: 144P/Noo K; Comments: JN$600w 5.75% uhi 30zr (12/6/52) jd 99.674 , zkn 5.773%. Nhrqjnl B+195fh. Bjh Rjkkl Zm. NNl Zm. DGl Zm. Njr Rjkkl 6w. MHRl Tqd. RmRl 101%. LDXl 549300RJCJX9ZJ7DZO42;
Eybwt Jtb
Use of Proceeds
Cqnex ojmumevqjvu jvqqemqqvquu evq qoe uqvqeez noenoeemq njenouqu


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