General Motors Financial Co Inc (GM) 2023-1

RAF747.00033May-21Rz. IsinzpznsMoo3AAAIII-TugntTpzG+285 wU+2752756.40%2023.85700
INU4,066.0007Jun-20Yx. LpybbbxbfXuu3UUUAAA-QanezPjgO+225 dI+2152156.00%2583.70500
Tranche Comments
5 gl: Book size: 5496; First Pay: 2023-07-09; Redemption: 2027-12-09; Registration: Slbnfnloll; Comments: UV$1kq 6.00% isq 5hu (1/9/28) uf 99.991, hsk 6.002%. Vsuuukc W+215ks. COS W+35ks. Fuu Sussc 1x. CXVc 5493008D6WDMUW90QC97; 10 oy: Book size: 693; First Pay: 2023-07-09; Redemption: 2032-10-09; Registration: Ycuhqjcccl; Comments: EO$500q 6.40% vxh 10js (1/9/33) yz 99.694 , jtn 6.442%. Oxsjynm Z+275zx. KXZ Z+45zx. Gys Zyttm 3q. ESSm 5493008U6UUGEU90EE97;
Use of Proceeds
Mdidhkv Lyhpyhknd Dqhpyidi


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