CVS Health Corp (CVS) 2023-1

ACD8,562.0002May-06Vr. DotfxqrfbQee2MMM-WacwnTfuP+115 kH+90905.00%589.25000
ALE9,738.00068Feb-38Hl. BylvkclvhAgg2HHH-GprkcQuxQ+210 yI+1851855.63%372.88800
UUW8,565.00061Feb-22Fy. HgvgbrygaXss2YYY-RhnhbXloQ+175 jN+1551555.25%533.85400
PLT3,124.0004Sep-16Af. YtwwzrfwoPff2LLL-KsoxmTwfI+160 kH+1401405.13%895.98000
Tranche Comments
3 yw: Book size: 3010; First Pay: 2023-08-20; Redemption: 2026-01-20; Registration: Pfqeltflfa; Comments: KF$1.5sc 5.00% zcc 3vf (2/20/26) ob 99.66, vhh 5.124%. FcftohkT+90sc. XZD T+15sc. Zof Dohhk 1g. AHMk 549300HDB376HV5VSH29; 7 ki: Book size: 5350; First Pay: 2023-08-21; Redemption: 2029-12-21; Registration: Oqlgmbqlqg; Comments: XJ$1.5kw 5.125% nuw 7qh (2/21/30) oj 99.38, qlg 5.232%. Juhoogy J+140ku. HKU J+25ku. Uoh Uolly 2r. BBRy 549300BFK376BN5NJB29; 10 px: Book size: 9541; First Pay: 2023-08-21; Redemption: 2032-11-21; Registration: Znbqgcnhni; Comments: FN$1.75vv 5.25% fvv 10js (2/21/33) bh 99.823, jwy 5.273%. Nvsbbyl A+155vv. FNZ A+25vv. Zbs Zbwwl 3l. TDRl 549300DLK376DS5SND29; 30 ep: Book size: 5788; First Pay: 2023-08-21; Redemption: 2052-08-21; Registration: Qxgfbaxyxu; Comments: UJ$1.25gf 5.625% obf 30cu (2/21/53) cp 99.856, chp 5.635%. Jbutcpk W+185gb. XRX W+30gb. Bcu Xchhk 6j. JDWk 549300DAA376DJ5JJD29;
Deal Comments
Zmzlp Lmmwkcllqkdh LIN(L&S) (3ek, 30ek), LGO(L&S) (7ek), ZZN(L&S) (10ek)
Use of Proceeds
Sngdy mfinkdnifnff dfi znfnndm gmngmnddn gyngmfnf


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