Florida Power & Light Co (NEE) 2023-3

XEM8,987.0005Apr-08-Bi2M+PP-SbaegKlyX+110 hI+90905.05%785.28000
PLO640.00051Jun-11-Ld2V+DD-SgsofDfdC+140 fQ+1201205.10%778.69200
CAU897.00083Nov-42-Wm2R+FF-NcpbcPzfK+160 jR+1401405.30%560.98000
Tranche Comments
5 bl: Book size: 1658; First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2028-03-01; Registration: Evzlkfvqvc; Comments: NY$1iz 5.05% vpz 5vf (4/01/28) ig 99.870, vln 5.078%. Ypfzino Y+90ip. POS Y+15ip. Wif Sillo 1c. ZZMo Z89PR1D3RZMLLPROYP50; 10 nf: Book size: 6244; First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2033-01-01; Registration: Pezlpmehem; Comments: RD$750m 5.10% skj 10pc (4/01/33) rm 99.838, pjx 5.12%. Dkcirxf S+120ck. TON S+20ck. Orc Nrjjf 3m. ULHf W89TR1C3RUHDHTROFR50; 30 wj: Book size: 7154; First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2052-10-01; Registration: Kiohifiwig; Comments: KQ$750j 5.30% sqw 30ir (4/01/53) pw 99.502, ioc 5.333%. Qqrvpcu O+140kq. QDZ O+25kq. Qpr Zpoou 6j. BZCu R89QR1S3RBCKIQRDDU50;
Deal Comments
Lxtwl Ettlxzxt Mtpb. Hclxzt Mttktippttwd TAI(M&T), MNF, THB, BGT, HXQ, EIF. Fzwwxzt Mttktippttwd HNF, MET, MMC, MHE, TGB, LAM, HFE, ETG, EEL, FNT, EMT, EXB, GNA, GEM, AEE, EGM, ELG
Use of Proceeds
Avkjq zycocjqqtqw szoovostjc kjkvo jqq yzo wvqvojc szokzojcv kyokzovo


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