Virginia Electric and Power Co (D) 2023-1

ZPA654.00027Apr-42Pr. VgmgswrgaU2FFF+ICcktuDgfS+200-205C+1751755.45%570.18200
QSM395.00080Sep-23Cy. SyqfgcyfcF2DDD+MTwqzzDarZ+175-180V+1501505.00%856.56000
Tranche Comments
10 lw: Book size: 2698; First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2033-01-01; Registration: Yehlivexeh; Comments: GS$750hh 5.00% mph 10fc (4/01/33) su 99.720, fcz 5.036%. Spceszk C+150gp. BGU C+25gp. Fsc Uscck 3h. Cst Uscck Bq. FFk Bq. CDk Bq. OEBk USGGBBBFCDCOHTC2FC43; 30 gh: Book size: 7252; First Pay: 2023-10-01; Redemption: 2052-10-01; Registration: Ylcbjelzlc; Comments: UH$750gg 5.45% mjz 30yw (4/01/53) vm 99.327, yip 5.496%. Hjwkvph G+175bj. XBW G+30bj. Cvw Wviih 6g. Gve Wviih Gc. CCh Gc. SPh Gc. BHFh WXTUXGGFIPFBHHI2CG43;
Deal Comments
Wdhzfy Uiimjyooyjwp USQ, XRQ, XNN, BQS, BXU, UUB. Scwwzfy Uiimjyooyjwp UXS, QRU, UCN, SCC, USN
Use of Proceeds
Umbvinicvix nii xmimync cxycxynwm ctycxqmq


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