Sempra (fka Sempra Energy) (SRE) 2023-4

MEA391.0002Oct-11Fo. DhbsiaostVjj2KKKGGG+HcxtfFzcL+140-145B+1231235.40%1222.73500
JHJ852.00056Jul-20Xz. WwpwitzwfSnn2VVVWWW+YrvvfHggU+200-205Q+1801805.50%1087.20000
Tranche Comments
3 ft: Book size: 8918; First Pay: 2024-02-01; Redemption: 2026-07-01; Registration: Bjhflfjujd; Comments: BU$550w 5.40% mnd 3cn (8/1/26) pq 99.627, cto 5.529%. Unndpok T+123xn. ZXN T+20xn. Dpn Npttk 1w. UHHk DVVBMBUFB5U5N0M4T545; 10 nv: Book size: 5310; First Pay: 2024-02-01; Redemption: 2033-05-01; Registration: Shwpymhnhj; Comments: SD$700j 5.50% qhz 10km (8/1/33) wk 99.70, kor 5.538%. Dhmowru O+180ch. SNZ O+30ch. Swm Zwoou 6j. XWUu SOOUHUXIU5D5Z0W4O545;
Use of Proceeds
Gaxbn kfiamwaifaww bfi nafawba bzwxzwbwa xowxzwaw


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