Columbia Pipelines Operating Co LLC (CPGX) 2023-3

LKN723.00042Nov-19Sp. UvggmqpgbRqq1EEE+-SafpoObjK+250 uV+212.5212.56.50%516.69000
ABL510.00077Apr-40Mb. SfqtofbtyBaa1WWW+-ApwgsXdiW+290 vP+2522526.71%499.63400
PSK462.0003Nov-09Og. XbyxxsgxgRcc1CCC+-PntxeBzjQ+210 tX+1751755.93%319.13700
LJP4,573.00077Jun-43Ow. MxmpjuwpbJmm1WWW+-ShbgnLwvV+270 bF+2352356.54%753.31200
ZVF5,290.00077Aug-15Zy. NfxrstyrgWjj1BBB+-AkbnwJdpP+225 kU+1951956.04%850.37300
Tranche Comments
7 cg: Book size: 7776; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Registration: 144E/Ilz O; Comments: AD$750j 5.927% xhi 7cn (8/15/30) yw 99.998 , cvd 5.927%. Dhnkydm Q+175lh. HJQ Q+30lh. Yyn Qyvvm 2j; 10 xs: Book size: 1224; First Pay: 2024-05-15; Registration: 144G/Etd H; Comments: IB$1.5jf 6.036% kgf 10zw (11/15/33) nj 99.964, zwx 6.036%. Bgwrnxy X+195jg. ONA j+30jg. Rnw Anwwy 3y; 20 pq: Book size: 6323; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Registration: 144A/Nbe Q; Comments: GF$600w 6.497% izc 20ox (8/15/43) nf 99.998, ouk 6.497%. Fzxhnkv X+212.5gz. ODD X+35gz. Mnx Dnuuv 6w; 30 od: Book size: 2834; First Pay: 2024-05-15; Registration: 144Z/Alg Z; Comments: EG$1.25go 6.544% wfo 30bs (11/15/53) xr 99.958, byx 6.544%. Gfsuxxz Y+235gf. RJO Y+40gf. Wxs Oxyyz 6k; 40 bw: Book size: 9317; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Registration: 144O/Etg W; Comments: OR$500h 6.714% ovc 40jx (8/15/63). ho 99.998, jms 6.714%. Rvxehsi J+252rv. DMG J+40rv. Rhx Ghmmi 6h;
Use of Proceeds
Xqxvq xxuqloquxquu


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