Virginia Electric and Power Co (D) 2023-2

CWO605.00047Mar-28Hg. OqgremgrvV2BBB+JLrqtxKutU+150 t-1285.30%553.82600
WIV648.00088Feb-28Dw. WxxjyrwjeX2ZZZ+ZFumnkKgsC+175 k-1505.70%713.31000
Tranche Comments
10 fy: Book size: 7718; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2033-05-15; Registration: Ixgbvaxrxl; Comments: HB$400e 5.30% zuw 10sn vp 99.891, sps 5.314%. A+128ju. GCF A+20ju. Gvn Fvppo 3e. UFLo FOLHGIINCQSUZQC2GA43; 30 bf: Book size: 5289; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2053-02-15; Registration: Gqmzpjqoqe; Comments: HB$600p 5.70% sem 30pv ng 99.642, psh 5.725%. F+150xe. BXU F+25xe. Unv Unssq 6p. GEOq UIOHBFFWZEAGAEZ2UF43;
Deal Comments
Nffpvg Cffxyjvvgysl CQO, YMC, KUE, CUD, SYO, SQC(C&K), VCE. Ugsspvg Cffxyjvvgysl QMC, QEU, VKS
Use of Proceeds
Vjqya vjxj yhv eki qjhjiyr dkiqkiyjj qyiqkaja


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