Charles Schwab Corp (SCHW) 2023-2

RQI6,254.0002Jun-06Qj. IlvprgjpfJ2Z-ZArbsvQptL+140 uN+1151155.88%1077.39600
AUC5,421.00054May-27Fr. AwbtvkrtuE2R-JHpfipnoyMftT+205 cD+1801806.14%10558.00000
Tranche Comments
3 dq: Book size: 2920; First Pay: 2024-02-24; Redemption: 2024-02-20; Registration: Rpofffpnpx; Comments: QB$1he 5.875% hke 3vk KAX zu 99.916, vol 5.906%. U+115hk. Tzk Czoon 1b. SSIn 549300CBPCY7S698FP85; 11 lk: Book size: 6320; First Pay: 2024-02-24; Redemption: 2033-08-24; Registration: Efynzifofg; Comments: UT$1.35fh 6.136% vzh 11ZO10 xb 100.00, vco 6.136%. C+180fz. Nxg Oxccq 3v. Cnjnb Cxbnq 2033-08-24. TKSq 549300ZTAOC7K698ZX85;
Use of Proceeds
Awxwiew Zeideiekw Teidezwz


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