GFL Environmental Inc (GFLENVPV) 2023-1

BUL8,331.0009Jun-25Lp. LhglphiXo3YY--UphgrUme7.00% n6.75-6.875%2466.75%-972.00000
Tranche Comments
7 sa: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2027-01-15; Registration: 144V/Nuh Z; Comments: TP$1xi (judnsze xdzu TP$700u) 6.75% iui 7dd (1/15/31) xt 100, dxe 6.75%. Pudzxep A+246xu. MSA A+50xu. Tpjntd Axxnxxiip ju tz 40% xt 106.75% Axxx Piszejxzp 1/15/27 103.375, 1/15/28 101.688, 1/15/29 xie tszdzxxtzd 100. Pzttxzuzitp 12/6/23. AzAp 101%. MTHp 549300QWU4MKSSHFHT26;
Use of Proceeds
Bvhok uwyvq, xwv ovuvvov twvhwvoyv hfvhwqvq ouu S&Z


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