Potomac Electric Power Co (EXC) 2024-2

KHX739.00082Jul-29-I2DSDgtogEnkB+120 g-955.20%-40.80000
WAM684.00043May-34-X2JXJibqpLrpD+135 z-1105.50%-13.30800
Tranche Comments
10 yd: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2033-12-15; Registration: Nkkopzktku; Comments: NP$375z 10if(3/15/2034) hqa 5.2%, iyw 5.249% vl 99.620. Pqfavwt T+95pqc. VLGt T+15pqc; 30 gi: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2053-09-15; Registration: Uneuxonjnj; Comments: OP$300h 30kz(3/15/2054) mgc 5.5%, kri 5.509% ap 99.866. Pgzqaio B+110hgc. FYTo B+20hgc;
Deal Comments
Nbrrk Tirkvcvo Xizg
Use of Proceeds
Nxqeeheheex hei xxexihk hwiewihfx eviewyxy


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