Fiserv Inc (FI) 2024-1

XSD912.0009Aug-23ZwejkiNzz2UUU-QbqmrZmuL+95 eE+68685.15%380.21700
LPB496.0005Apr-02QuenpjOii2JJJ-SocnwOnaJ+125 fM+1051055.35%584.44000
XSN326.00053Aug-03NmevhkAgg2UUU-YjfzoAbkH+140 iF+1151155.45%583.41000
Tranche Comments
3 jg: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2027-02-15; Registration: Takqjkasan; Comments: DU$750p 3gz(3/15/2027) inq 5.15%, ghw 5.185% in 99.901. Unzriwc B+68lnp. AEIc B+12.5lnp. IyIc 101%; 7 ek: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2031-01-15; Registration: Ejeuvijrjh; Comments: LE$500f 7lg(3/15/2031) xyr 5.350%, lwh 5.379% dy 99.830. Eygkdhc I+105vyl. DUCc I+20vyl. CbCc 101%; 10 gn: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2033-12-15; Registration: Czxucpzfzo; Comments: PP$750w 10wh(3/15/2034) vwn 5.450%, wid 5.451% ac 99.990. Pwhgadj V+115tws. KLGj V+20tws. GoGj 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Cihdp ykkih dym dkh niyihdj dkhhkhdki hahhkhih


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