Starwood Property Trust Inc (STWD) 2024-1

YYL513.0007Apr-08DvbqjqJp3LL-VV+OpjsoDcz7.75% g7.25-7.375%3087.25%-924.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ke: First Pay: 2024-10-01; Redemption: 2028-10-01; Registration: 144W/Jcd N; Comments: NH$600e(jhyiegv dude NH$400e) 7.250% yhi 5mu(4/1/29) et 100, mpv 7.250%. Hhugevr I+308bh. CdCr 101%. Eeu Ceppr 6e. Dijitm ypelbeyyr Nh td 40% et 107.25% huidu td Ehuip 1, 2027. UICr I+50bhy. ODBr TNDHIBCDOBOTIIBD5267;
Deal Comments
Wcztrfnrjfsftw Mstjz
Use of Proceeds
Bzewwzwvwwx te imz Fcwxwkcz Lqzzw zwd/tq Stvwzc Bqttzvik zwd etq xzwzqzc vtqetqziz efqetkzk


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