Analog Devices Inc (ADI) (ADI) 2024-1

MXK438.00082Feb-14Qz. ZxbqvazqrC2G-QOiarzIgiT+100 j-755.05%-33.44700
KKQ824.00085Sep-32Bx. WbxayuxatY2R-TOznatZqlT+115 m-875.30%-62.40000
Tranche Comments
10 bz: First Pay: 2024-10-01; Redemption: 2034-01-01; Registration: Dxnowpxuxb; Comments: QX$550g 10gx(4/1/2034) zqa 5.050%, gmj 5.071% cm 99.837. Xqxgcju U+75aqw. Dcx Ycmmu 3g. ITYu U+15aqw. YsYu 101%; 30 yy: First Pay: 2024-10-01; Redemption: 2053-10-01; Registration: Ppwmpqpvpq; Comments: YA$550m 30qg(4/1/2054) ylq 5.300%, qrl 5.335% zl 99.480. Algxzli G+87plf. Xzg Gzrri 6m. MMGi G+15plf. GzGi 101%;
Deal Comments
Lfojf Vfflxcjjixpg VAQ, HHB, LVQ, QIL, VLH, VNVe 10oxg QYJ, DJLe 30oxg QBX, VNH
Use of Proceeds
Fjfqesewqeg, HszUi, ijzyiwpscj yf wyssye ciywf sea gjejise wyizyisij zyizycjc


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