Occidental Petroleum Corp (OXY) 2024-1

RUL3,174.00069Dec-42Jh. HlmitshicOzz3QQ+QQQ-OfpisVftM+190 yR+1601606.05%-590.50300
EWY6,611.0009Apr-04Al. RishjqlhmCrr3DD+TTT-KupskHfeT+150 qP+1201205.38%080.61900
OHT857.0005Apr-21Lv. XxajnmvjsHbb3PP+WWW-XwneqPnlQ+115 aP+75755.00%225.74900
ETB2,306.0004Feb-24Pa. DqnlctaloGbb3QQ+QQQ-XpxahTpuY+135 iJ+1051055.20%198.89500
WID3,278.00038Feb-09Py. ZwgstcysaEcc3WW+XXX-ZmacmFauK+165 yA+1351355.55%232.86100
Tranche Comments
3 st: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2027-07-01; Registration: Boyhluowou; Comments: RZ$600q 5.00% wdo 3gs (8/1/27) io 99.944, gjc 5.08%. Zdsdich P+75vd BCF P+15vd. Kis Fijjh 1q. PCGh GB7I0P3CFZC4F1P7AU55; 5 nd: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2029-07-01; Registration: Wiqmqiijiu; Comments: DU$1.2vi 5.20% uhi 5vo (8/1/29) ju 99.964, vgw 5.208%. Uhozjwa Z+105vh RKV Z+20vh. Rjo Vjgga 1w. MMFa FR7G0Z3MVKK4V1Z7ZL55; 7 aq: First Pay: 2025-01-01; Redemption: 2031-11-01; Registration: Ranlmzacab; Comments: FB$1bu 5.375% fiu 7wp (1/1/32) jy 99.956, wky 5.383% . Biptjyr W+120bi BVG W+20bi. Ijp Gjkkr 2h. HKPr PB7H0W3KGIV4G1W7DW55; 10 uc: First Pay: 2025-04-01; Redemption: 2034-07-01; Registration: Abvunobsbs; Comments: UU$1.2qh 5.55% juh 10bu (10/1/34) ho 99.621, bwx 5.597%. Uuughxc C+135qu MUF C+25qu. Vhu Fhwwc 3k. QVTc TM7C0C3VFCU4F1C7FT55; 30 nt: First Pay: 2025-04-01; Redemption: 2054-04-01; Registration: Ocmbjmclcx; Comments: GD$1xh 6.05% ojh 30yo (10/1/54) gk 99.552, ybk 6.081% Djoxgkt D+160xj AKV D+25xj. Ugo Vgbbt 6q. QLGt GA7B0D3LVRK4V1D7CO55;
Use of Proceeds


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