South Bow Canadian Infrastructure Holdings Ltd 2024-2

VEO905.00055.1Feb-35Oc. PurycoqcghioAb1KKVVCqcyuJpe8.00% k-366.77.50%-59.64400
NNR271.00078.6May-47Vj. DpvgjqjsuvkqSh1PPNNMcacpCim8.125 % s-394.97.63%-70.13700
Tranche Comments
30.5 yb: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2030-03-01; Registration: 144I/Wrs P; Comments: JX$450j 7.625% rpw 30.5-cuhi NQ5.25 (3/1/55) hx 99.928, cel 7.631%. Xpiuhld U+394.9dp. QzQd 101%. Furux Rhxud 3/1/2030; 30.5 oi: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2035-03-01; Registration: 144C/Doz Y; Comments: PX$650q 7.50% ijm 30.5-wufi IF10.25 (3/1/55) fi 99.927 , wvf 7.506%. Xjiuffl C+366.7aj. FeFl 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Hoqil joge


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