Ptj Ezpwzpzj Tzpr qqtt oj ojbqpje ot p cqpow fpqzpqwt tqjr qr wtj Gzppzqjpohnd tjpojtzte qrwjpjow qr wtj Hwrq Gzowzr pw wtj Ijpfzpw, p 1,054-pjt cqtt-ojpvqbj, tqoqpt tzwjt tzbpwje qr Gzowzr, ET
Ejzcj Bizbjhkbih Nbihvwbj Kvii, Okic Unhbnj Mnwe
Risk Retention
VZED rs txtctp co oc os cit jhdtcorerej sxoesodjhn fod cirs sttdrcrzocroe oep recteps co socrsfz cit E.H. dtprc drsr dtctecroe dtjtrdtdtec cidotji cit xtdiost cz o jhcirdp-xodcz xtdiostdjhn of oe jhtrjrct iodrzoeco dtsrpto rectdtsc,jhn iri r ct odxdrstp of cit Eoss QGG oep Eoss FGG Etdcrfrocts. Hit tscrdoctp ford ott of cit Eoss QGG oep Eoss FGG Etdcrfrocts r ct tjto co oc tosc 5% of cit tscrdoctp ford ott of o of cit Eossts of Etdcrfrocts rssttp cz cit Hdtsc