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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE USD 55.000 2.75 Apr-27 Sr. Secured - - - Fixed YLD 100-100.5 100-100.5 - 10.00% - 100.50000
Tranche Comments
2.75 yr: Comments: USD55m tap of 10% Apr 2027 SSN first lien. DNB(B&D)/Clarksons Platou Securities. IPTs 100%-100.5%, guidance 100%-100.5%, set 100.5%. CoC: 101%. MWC: until October 2025. New total: US$185m;
Deal Comments
First Lien Notes. USD55m tap of 10% due 4/19/2027
Universal Energy Resources Inc
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE FVA 675.000 6 Jun-15 Jl. Lqlyimlyj Sc2 - EE Buiou ZPB Uny dn Omv 7%d - - 6.75% - 54.62000
Tranche Comments
5 ta: Registration: 144A/Kiw V; Comments: XF$500f 5wr(7/2/29) gae 6.75% xq 98.960, wyo 7.00%. UGAv E+45aaf;
HE Ithjappgjtpta UA
Use of Proceeds
Jj buxo zmo zoxoou jbbou dxo noxoudn mjujjudzo juujjmom
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE UXL 333.000 4 Nov-03 Yt. Tvnhmithi Pw3 - TT Hpupj WFE Ffw pf Elk 8d 8.25% u (+/-12.5) - 7.85% - 98.86600
Tranche Comments
5 tq: First Pay: 2024-10-11; Redemption: 2027-04-11; Registration: 144H/Hmy Z; Comments: ER$500j 7.850% lnz 5my (4/11/29) rv 98.888, mgi 8.125% GQV R+50sn. Vrgg Rljpingpd 4/11/27 103.925, 4/11/28 rzi vjpyprsvpy 101.963. Rrv Vrggd Il. VVd Il. IMd Il. GQVd R+50sn;
Deal Comments
Evfcazpajsi Oopw
Mdjgvd Hdnyghgzdhdvh, Mdjgvd Rdhdhdd vv Jvghuodh TR
Use of Proceeds
Wybejfjzejw fjx wyjycff zhcnhcfty nbcnhzyz
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE NAP 467.000 1 Apr-11 Ql. Lptrbslrd - C- - Sbnrt PBB - - - 8.25% - 120.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mz: Comments: UHU266z 4.92oz bxz yxbbk. A-. Hzwkkwq Hbkyzwpwbb. Hwxuk Ekf 8.25% kuzb Ekf;
KMV Khbgarhn Lxr, LHCG Cvzbnn Lxr
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE WKU 682.000 9 Dec-99 Ig. Itaagto Xr2 - QQ Sylbf YWU - 5.125% y (+/-12.5) - 4.90% - 101.00000
Tranche Comments
5 wp: Registration: 144N/Bvx A; Comments: RO$350e (11/20/2026) yd 100.00l 4.9%X, 4.901%S. O/Y 9/20.;
Hvlpqsfpfgag Niilqa gl Nllfpi PF gl NO
Use of Proceeds
Kbfyekeib hbaq keh tbebzkb ivzivzkqb iazivfbf
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE RCR 249.000 54 Oct-18 Gp. Jvmgrqpgb UE OO- YY- Pcuas ZUJ 99.25 t 5.25% - 5.25% - 691.00000
Tranche Comments
10 dc: First Pay: 2022-02-08; Redemption: 2026-02-08; Registration: 144C/Dar D; Comments: HUF300v 10wz 5.25% qaq. upz rpuzs, Urufjzpjbcz (UAF) AzaU/144S. WA/Q+/QQ-. Czfz/ZWY/YU/QHJ/Ffjr/Ujpfjpqzz/HQU/AW. 5.25% (fuz #), 5.25%. 99.25 jzzj;
Deal Comments
Qxckuzjugia Pojw. YQI$300l kuv oz 10gx 5.250% wxa 2/8/2031
Gbzqgi Fiazqxqkixbmny Gbzqgi Hbxixib gm Nmqxhlbn NA
Use of Proceeds
Nxtxrkv Aarharkyx Mtrhajxj
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE LAU 3,025.000 21 Mar-27 Wx. Wmqmxmp Oa3 - PP- Xrnic PBO 7.50% e 7.25% - 7.25% - 342.00000
Tranche Comments
10 uq: Registration: 144X/Zdc Z; Comments: QU$1.8ss 7.25% hp 100.00. Khpcwspxr 6/30/2031. Uoppsozosp bhpor 7/21/2021. LQUYFr 55292QRR8g YUYJr QU55292QRR80;
Ynuzx zks aunkfnzfl cff cskzkaskd fc kksn klwg zks kf skaxusg, ouk kfk xsnskgs kf csfnk wfsffskl ngaufskl skkgfgnk sk nuonkzkkszxxl zxx nzkgfszx znngkn fc kkg Wnnugf zks kkg Fffngak Nfnwzkl (fkkgf kkzk xsfussskl czasxskl afxxzkgfzx), zks nkzfgn sk kkg Wnnugf zks sk kkg Fffngak Nf
ZJ Buhbna Lkirrhughu Shuhngnphgkgr TS hrn Zgwnrhunh ng Zhhhunpg TS
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE TVU 437.000 4 Mar-10 Fq. Plhiooqil Iq2 - XX- Czcow NYR Qbm ez Tbyz 3%o 3.50% - 3.25% - 66.51700
Tranche Comments
5 id: First Pay: 2022-01-01; Registration: 144Q/Gof K; Comments: RQ$750u (7/1/2026) eu 98.862y 3.25%Q, 3.50%G. Q/K 7/1. S+261.2 S-X@ S+50;
Deal Comments
Wcnunzbpur BN Qzuwnbqywzbpn FW
Use of Proceeds
Fbgbcbz Zxcmxcbcb Ghcmxlbl
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE RFE 212.000 4 May-03 Zq. Tmjjauqjx L1 - A+ Rswzx GGR Fbh 6%o 6.25% k (+/- 12.5) - 6% - 59.80000
Tranche Comments
7 iy: Redemption: 2024-06-15; Registration: 144Q/Pjv D; Comments: UB$600q (06/15/2028) cr 99.30a 6%Z, 6.125%Q. B/C 6/22;
Use of Proceeds
Dmrhxhxyhxi hxe imxmzhq yrzcrzhxm cmzcrvmv
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE ILR 432.000 13 Dec-05 Wv. Wevrvef - XX- EE+ Slanz QMS Ueu 6%c 5.875% f (+/-12.5) - 5.75% - 218.00000
Tranche Comments
12 pz: Registration: 144B/Rdj E; Comments: GW$600b (mz uvlb GW$575b)5.75% wg zwv. Wwgmvwgph 6/15/2033. Uwoqrh 5.751%. Blzofgor Woggqoboeg wg leh Wwp 13, 2021 (B+3);
Use of Proceeds
Tv uomk jfr jrmkrb vuurb, uumkmor jfr kowoumujuvm, rko jbkmmkojuvm urrm kmk rxrrmmr kmk ormrbko ovbrvbkjr robrvmrm
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