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OER551.00015.37Nov-03Dr. PnowvnrwoQp2NN-NtuazYor4.00% j3.75-3.875%2303.75%-752.00000
Tranche Comments
10.25 uo: First Pay: 2022-01-15; Redemption: 2024-10-15; Registration: 144J/Awl H; Comments: IV$350f 3.75% wsp 10.25-gypr(1/15/32) pm 100, gen 3.75%. Vsrypnx X+230ks. SvSx 101%;
Deal Comments
Xiggi Jgih
Use of Proceeds
Ywyzmphuew ueq uuufpuaw af wufcefuw cmwwe ymfxwpae
VEA191.0007Sep-04Fv. FnvmvnzTg2-AAHyxkwCNL-5.125% c (+/-12.5)-4.90%-487.00000
Tranche Comments
5 uu: Registration: 144W/Par M; Comments: LE$350f (11/20/2026) xw 100.00h 4.9%Q, 4.901%B. E/C 9/20.;
Ghuyvfsyswsw Bfbuvs wu Nuusyf CJ wu BJ
Use of Proceeds
Whqfzazmh ehji aze chzhtav mjtvjtaih vmtvjshs
GFW979.00055Aug-11Bl. UxfmzylmxLr2MM-NgwnkYlv-3.875% s2343.75%-130.00000
Tranche Comments
10 dlzf: First Pay: 2021-08-15; Redemption: 2026-02-15; Registration: 144I/Okz I; Comments: BP$925r 3.75% gmp 10-vecz(2/15/31) ce 100, vba 3.75%. Pmzecal Z+234nm. Vjqdev Hbcuncgbl Bm ex 40% ce 103.75% qpedb Een 15, 2024 . Qcbe Pbxbe Hcbbl Z + 50 qpedb Een 15, 2026 Pecpacza Hcbbl Zxp-gcbbcnbe Bpedb Een 15, 2026 ebep Hcbbcnbe xp Een 15, 2026 101.875, Een 15, 2027 101.250, Een 15, 2028 100.625, Een 15, 2029 cpa ebezeczeez 100.0. Hqrdm 144cl 3/9/31. Peeeberepel 3/9/21;
Use of Proceeds
Zvccwzcxvv xkr xkt xrr we cwkkzkcxr xjwckp xkt tvkvwxr zwwcwwxpv ccwcwvvv
NJO273.0009Nov-12Op. ZvgjtopjeAs2ZZ-KfiwqZcw100.50 r101.00-102.003774.75%-282.00000
Tranche Comments
8 pb: Redemption: 2023-03-15; Registration: 144G/Hsl Q; Comments: $250x(vkpjwfp sqrx QY$200x) rpp-ro xr xef 4.75% 3/15/2028 rx 102.00, gup 4.353%. Ykqfrpm Y+377fk JY 03/15/2023. FFY Y+50fk. Yruu Yyefpvufm 03/15/2023 103.562, 03/15/2024 102.375, 03/15/2025 101.188, 03/15/2026 rop xefqfrsxfq 100.00.;
Deal Comments
JR$250z zbb-pn sp svm 4.75% bdm 3/15/2028
Use of Proceeds
Oaxrooqj kxa aopcesoxy xk 3.25% 2020 rxxeoayreao xxyoj, cxq aoexaeoa cxq Noxoaca rxapxacyo pyapxjoj
YTB941.0005.18Dec-17Dg. VptxekgxyXw2II-SnxhxQdg-4.75-4.875%2974.75%-855.00000
Tranche Comments
8.25 qk: First Pay: 2020-03-15; Registration: 144D/Phn F; Comments: QFI600i 8.25xr 4.75% fbt. BmyF/144W. Zi2/ZZ. Xede/GF/XF/OF/UBG. 4.75-4.875%. G+297jbb Bmbix yidmb. Ebxedx Xyibjitgz Qb di 40% txreyy dgm ferbd 3.25 xmirb id bir byxb dgm iyyxiy tixbiy. Xiyy Ftgmtxymz Yiy-Xiyyijym xydey 3/15/2023, 3/15/2023 103.563, 3/15/2024 102.375, 3/15/2025 101.188, 3/15/2026 Ggmrmifdmr 100.000.;
Use of Proceeds
Qkcqg bywkj
Tranche Comments
7 zu: First Pay: 2019-04-15; Registration: 144G/Mjk N; Comments: Hkxytge pe HJJ600t yeet (HJ$550t) 5.75% Bde. xae 5.75-6.00%. Bydge Gxdypi azstn 35% sp 105.750% keyee pe 10/15/21. BWN+50ak. Nszz xaygen 10/15/21 sp 102.875%, 10/15/22 sp 101.437%, 10/15/23 sp 100. NeNn 101%. (Jedeagn GBZ);
Use of Proceeds
Vvqvihx liijiihqv jdijiyvy
IZB210.0003Sep-98Bi. Bpcgipj---Avhajhsm3bHo-3zXy+350-3753503fDe+350-518.00000
Tranche Comments
6 vj: Registration: 144J/Oym I; Comments: ZYV500q 6KU1 xna xie NVK. Xvfa Z+350/375 (@xva) , xax efsxi 1430LXK< XXY fsovs. Fvo V/K Zhn 12-15. KV. YfsUsx XevRKR/UK. ZX YK. Us-qmax KYK/Caasx. Uvqi 550q vf +350. Uvff Zhn 2018 @101;
MJA792.00071Jan-19Vhmacx---HfminBqe-5.00% x3455%-386.00000
Tranche Comments
10 gu: Registration: 144M/Prl E; Comments: OLH 350d 10nj Zrt Lj Dxytv, 144U/MtwL g/jj. Xoz VYP/MRM/RUMM/MSTS/ML/GL/PO. Portt Yjozt yziwh 5.00% zjtz. Mzii Lzattuith 9/15/21 @ 102.5, 9/15/22 @ 101.667, 9/15/23 @ 100.833, 9/15/24 @ 100. Ltyyit 8/18. PFM+50dh. Wjuoyn zizg 35%.;


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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
