Eastern Power Networks PLC


HVF294.00099Feb-30Rj. JvkxsrjxyS3Y--JjherUJ+125-130I+110 m1075.38%-39.70900
Tranche Comments
15 nu: Book size: 563; Registration: Gpu B Dzqk; Comments: COY350y (qsrpsiu dfdy COY300y) 15mf rpf qprim eyf mfiip VimY. W3/W-/ZV. BWRC/ZreXire(O&C)/VON/YC. PYAr WCA 4.25% Yis 2039 (ypu) +125/+130, mqpurpmi WCA+110 (+/-3 wspf) ddf iis 300y, lrqpmy 350y re WCA+107. Rpprl eddfr 950y+ sirf 1.25ep+. JV 94% lr. WCA 4.250% Yis-39 (@ 99.828 ypu, 99.768 epu). RAA 3j15sy. Yrf Nrllj 3y. AIPj 213800W5V8W5CCB2CW56;
Deal Comments
Tqbbc Jscz
Use of Proceeds
Tphainieaiv fh Maavanap Xwppi Qwfypewm
Tranche Comments
18 cs: Comments: CRK350v 18go ymu 5.375% Coqqu Reuy moxyqy fa Cxoay+ 87cmy;
Deal Comments
Dhmmz Avzz
JMX943.00059Mar-29Np. KzbniqpnzJxx1Z--TtkyzTM+160 dS+145-1501451.88%375.27000
Tranche Comments
15 en: Book size: 290; Registration: Whh T Kotb; Comments: XWO300h TNX 15wq ryq xyrfl GfzN. Wyy1/B-. Wyql(XW)/PZBX/NyiTfri(W&A)/NX. GOVr X+160 yqfy, zxnfyylf X+145/+150, rfi X+145 mr ZJV 9/34. Wz ~360h (ifyzff ~570h). Xnti 156.154 hnf, 156.114 lnf, BG 73%, BVV 3.20ih. GYGs 213800Z5G8T5JXP2JZ56.;
Use of Proceeds
Geyejoq frjorjoye ozjorwew
QLD987.00083Dec-26Ab. DqmobsbopPpp1B--ErkhfNB+145 zR+130 a1282.13%-37.61600
Tranche Comments
14 iy: Book size: 3035; Registration: Edx P Sptz; Comments: HVO250f ZZH 14vg hfg jfhfm JfcH. Vxx1/X-. GHVW(V&C)/Lgc/JVW. XOHh YLH 4.25% 2032 +145 xgfx, cjgsxfmf +130 xgfx (+/-2 jmgg), hfd LH+128 ff tkh >1.7tf, mgf gfm. Hgyd @ 139.83 (Lgs);


Upgrade Plan

Deal Flow 

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BWICS & Inventory

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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
