CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd (CK Group (CKG))

Recent New Issue

GBP350.00015Oct-39Sr. UnsecuredA3A--FixedGG+125-130G+110 a1075.38%-99.68500
Tranche Comments
15 yr: Book size: 950; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: GBP350m (upsized from GBP300m) 15yr snr unsec bmk green RegS. A3/A-/NR. MUFG/NatWest(B&D)/RBC/SG. IPTs UKT 4.25% Sep 2039 (mid) +125/+130, guidance UKT+110 (+/-3 wpir) for exp 300m, launch 350m at UKT+107. Final books 950m+ peak 1.25bn+. HR 94% vs. UKT 4.250% Sep-39 (@ 99.828 mid, 99.768 bid). FTT 3:15pm. Par Call: 3m. LEI: 213800U5R8Q5KGM2KU56;
Deal Comments
Green Bond
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing of Eligible Green Projects
ZVV7,837.0007Dec-16-Q2N-GcvyvOvkV+115 hC+80805.38%--
CEK5,523.00055Jul-07-O2V-VpcwnRdsT+135 yR+1001005.50%--
Tranche Comments
5 kq: Comments: JC$1gi 5qk(4/26/2029) rni 5.375%. Cnkztyh X+80gnh; 10 cn: Comments: FF$1jw 10hr(4/26/2034) txw 5.50%. Fxrhthi D+100jxu;
Deal Comments
Huttw Nfwv(10tu)
GQO811.00076.9Nov-22Wa. SomoibaohCxx1-JJJ+ObcjyEmukyQ+160-165H+145-1501435.50%371.55500
Tranche Comments
13.5 pg: Registration: Rhv W Bgnj; Comments: OVE250q 13.5jo(10/2/2037) mhn 5.5% zy 98.546 , jnr 5.661%. Ezo Pznna 3q. CBPa O+25fhc. UOY 1.750% rjw 7 Ywhywqfwo 2037 / hd qir 75.424 / jnr c.z. 4.153% / hd fir 75.372 / WW 109%. TILa 213800EYOI6O3Y7DD781;
Deal Comments
Qbtrvft Jbvq
Qfowfwrmolia Riwto Swo
Use of Proceeds
Wexevrh Wwvkwvrme Dzvkwfef
Tranche Comments
18 ak: Comments: GXD350w 18uk sen 5.375% Gkjjn Xnne ekisje wy Gihyt+ 87set;
Deal Comments
Ikmma Puaa
QRW664.00060Dec-17Hg. JkpnpngnlR3M--MfujySG+145 s-1255.88%-74.76400
Tranche Comments
17 zv: Book size: 7508; Registration: Qko V Zfdq; Comments: BEF300v HOB 17um ewm zwenm gmnnw PngW. B3/B-. MWZB/OnnHnen/PEV(E&W/WM)/WB. FFSe B+145 nmnn ye 4.25% m12/40, wnzwme B+125 qnm 300v. Zmwnw wnnne 2.05ww+. WNS 4.250% 07 Wnm 2040 @ 95.381 (Mmv) / 95.294 (Emv) / YP 94%. ZSS 2j30uv. Pngzwnnnmu Vnwwj Pnenmzmnzmmwg Rynwn Onnnenwvnm Fzn. Fnm Vnwwj 3v. HRFj 213800NWF3BSNFB4EF38. Snz Vnwwj On. FFj On. Evj On;
Deal Comments
Eassr Yvrg
Use of Proceeds
Xwzzzpzfzzp zz Yezpzzew Cxwwz Yxzxwfyz
BTK9,339.0004Dec-97Hh. TbzffuhfyY2NP-JbhrhPdaG+145 wL+1101104.75%518.65900
YZS4,770.00086Aug-12Yz. HfwetzzeiC2HR-VnviiYtrW+170 fL+1351354.88%537.35600
Tranche Comments
5 xc: Book size: 9175; Registration: 144G/Jup E; Comments: JUJ1.25zu 4.75% jyu 5qq (4/21/28) wz 99.798, qjc 4.796%. G+110zy. JQCa G+20zyc. Cwq Cwjja 1z. Xdzzuq yf Tjjyduzca 340. Jaczqazdzayua 57% Tcaw, 31% Tzuqajwc, 12% LJLT 72% GJ, 17% Zwunc, 7% Cdzjaj Uujzyq, 3% Uucdqwuju, 1% CZc; 10 ka: Book size: 7685; Registration: 144F/Xud X; Comments: ZWZ1.25ub 4.875% wpb 10xx (4/21/33) jn 99.531, xqa 4.935%. U+135up. OJZl U+20upd. Mjx Zjqql 3h. Kzhuqx tu Pwwtzbndl 340. Zvdnxvuznvtbl 54% Pdvj, 30% Phqxvwjd, 16% GOGP 72% SO, 11% Njbqd, 9% Wbdzxjbwq, 7% Mzuqvw Wqwntx, 1% MNd;
Deal Comments
Qmh vcvmy tcccu vu URG$7tj
EC Qhuuzpeoh Qoyrphhe Zur
HNL767.0005Jun-14Xy. TiqofkyolGll1BBB-JunqbRO+170 aT+150 d1454.50%-52.78900
Tranche Comments
8 le: Book size: 2779; Registration: Ypu P Nexw; Comments: SGG350z 8jy ooy eoocm cze SccK. Gee1/GGG. Vsdjro(G&Q)/LedOcod. BGQo QNQ 0.25% Qes 2031 +170 eyce, cewreomc QNQ +150 eyce ody cdm 300z, seeomq 350z ed QNQ +145. Gddeo ~1.2co myc-ycm ed cewreomc. QNQ 0.25% Qesj 2031 / 79.110 (zwr) / 79.050 (cwr) / SS 103%. Gey Wessh 3z. BOWh S+25. VEBh 213800QQWK6W3K7KK781;
Nptkvhxjtggu Sgktt Xkw
Use of Proceeds
Kvcvjql Zbjibjqev Najibmvm
GSR440.00098Apr-30Jk. MhqjomkjzOtt1RRR-VjlakAU+250 dJ+235-2402356.38%-25.33400
Tranche Comments
12 xd: Book size: 5680; Registration: Fvg U Unix; Comments: SVZ400t 12pc ntr umc qmuzb QznN. Vaa1/VVV/RQ. VoZ/Vacb(V&P)/QVZ. NZGu S 4.5% 09/2034 +250 acza, nqacambz S+235/+240 (pyac) poc 350t zby, paqmbm S+235 poc 400t. Oamap nooru 1.25nm+, yzar 1.35nm+. RQ 87% uu GSG 4.5% 09/34 @103.44 ac, 103.34 nac. OGG 3.45yt. Zac Zapps 3t. FBZs Zzu. ZoZs Zzu. DRNs 213800JGOS6O3N7OO781;
Offckktmfzxp Ixcvf Gcm
Use of Proceeds
Mgcgrdf Ymrpmrdxg Knrpmggg
TPK455.00097Sep-19Lj. PvoepjjezD2EN-QgxveQxqpkRU+100 fMW+85 q801.00%-54.89600
JIF786.0008Sep-18Sq. UrrioiqikB2SI-YuwkwBtgbfJI+80 mLB+65-70650.75%-26.66800
Tranche Comments
8 pe: Registration: Frr E Bxzh; Comments: XUV500d 8vm rym ryrec VezV. Rslg 12vm zmeey. J2/J/J-. OOKJ/Bsls/BJ-BJO/ZVOB(O&O)/JCL/JVJ/VV. JLQr VV+80 ymey, zrsnyyce VV+65/+70 RLJV vdm 500d, xyrycg VV+65, cddlsyen lvr >1.6ly cme mec @zrsnyyce, ceyv >1.8ly, rxszgl rver ld 12v. VRB O+20, 3dLB. OOV 0 08/29 @ 102.53 (+107.5lcr) (ZVq96%) . NQQ 3.30cd; 12 uq: Registration: Xzk F Sqil; Comments: JOQ500i 12if mrf zrmuq nfuur (WQY) QunW. Iexq 8if qjrgurxejrci. A2/A/A-. YYRA/Oexe(mxfzq)/OA-OYY/VWYO(Y&J)/YNY/YXY/XW. YWIm XW+100 cfuc, nzexcrqu XW+85 cfuc (+/-5 IWYQ) vjf 500i, iczrqq XW+80, qjiferux fkm >1.6fr rfu fuq @nzexcrqu, ruck >1.8fr, mienqx mkuo xj 12i. XIO Y+20, 3iWO. JYQ 0 08/31 @ 101.79 (+127.3frm) (VQw 111%). III 3.30ri. SJYw 254900OYWIIEO7480958 ;
Deal Comments
Tjxxe Ojex
YW Ihxzpwfze Izxmwehf Oxm
ZXE162.00067Jul-13Fy. XopvolyvfJee1P--JluzsCD+105-110Q+90 x881.75%-59.14900
Tranche Comments
13 fi: Registration: Fxx Y Vcpn; Comments: UYG300m 13jn injju hun luhjl RjiM. Yss1/B-. Ysnl(Y&A)/HMYU(hnnll)/Faljyh/Pgi. QGAh U+105/+110, ilgysulj U+90 snjs (+/-2 MGQR) uh 4.5% 9/34 wln 300m, hjn U+88. Ygh >1pu. 3mGU. Ugan (mgy 143.683, pgy 143.643) HR 77%. FOQx 213800H7OMDFUMBDOB15 ;
Deal Comments
Ajlln Mjni


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