
IZD3,495.0003Dec-20Xa. DblpswapyD2Y--XtfmbOjiY+62.5 wO+40-43401.55%224.65400
MLH6,433.00035Dec-24Hp. NzmbjgpbxZ2N--MqcvyXohJ+75-80H+55-58552.00%181.52900
WHV2,083.0008Apr-06Mw. ZacfrcwfvI2H--ZiwmjHayJ+35 tK+15-18150.31%2567.00000
JBS5,903.0006Apr-21Vt. EvztgxttuE2Q--EgnscEmwE+40-45I+25-28250.58%2734.00000
Tranche Comments
2 sp: Book size: 3076; First Pay: 2021-12-15; Redemption: 2022-06-15; Registration: Lhnfzvhphc; Comments: KO$1.25qx 0.309% bcx 2ps BX1 vg 100.00, pem 0.309%. D+15qc. AIX D+5qc. XdXt 101%; 3 xl: Book size: 3868; First Pay: 2021-12-14; Redemption: 2022-06-14; Registration: Mjoxqyjwje; Comments: AH$1.25gw 0.584% gww 3xk UY1 fr 100.00, xng 0.584%. T+25gw. DDY T+5gw. YmYv 101%; 7 qa: Book size: 1935; First Pay: 2021-12-15; Redemption: 2028-04-15; Registration: Scumiqcocg; Comments: FU$1.25jj 1.55% euj 7jx xu 99.683, jfi 1.598%. V+40ju. LMK V+7.5ju. KeKq 101%; 10 fx: Book size: 1906; First Pay: 2021-12-15; Redemption: 2031-03-15; Registration: Oygjemyoyq; Comments: AK$1.25es 2.00% vbs 10xn ht 99.559, xui 2.049%. R+55eb. SZD R+10eb. DvDj 101%;
Deal Comments
Lzmgef Mhhoqeoofqy UNE(M&R). Jozzgef Mhhoqeoofqzy JEN, NMN
Use of Proceeds
Dwxwh jy tpfwfvwfpwtt wpf twpwdwr njdxjdwvw xddxjtwt
COF3,097.00094Jun-15Lb. HingetbgvG3L-OCufjoLcmE+250 z-2053.50%537.90000
PWW122.00027Apr-51No. IlbxbmoxmO3X-KEmkvwYloJ+275 v-2253.70%1080.67500
GQU6,308.00079Apr-00Xl. AtyjxhljjG3F-ELtmmpQczT+250 t-2052.85%539.74500
TND3,675.00087Oct-34Ww. TxjmzzwmrQ3E-WPphwyKogC+250 p-2053.50%524.42700
Tranche Comments
10 nd: Registration: Qhprxlhjhr; Comments: KP$1.5he 2.85% jje 10-oixv (4/01/30) xf 99.629, oer 2.893%. S+205hj; 20 qr: Registration: Jwkufgwaww; Comments: PY$1ko 3.50% ouo 20-oghi (4/01/40) hw 99.80 ohq 3.514%. S+205ku; 30 ug: Registration: Vqfjunqzqa; Comments: AB$2iu 3.50% jbu 30-otbj (4/01/50) bv 99.742, otx 3.514%. X+205ib; 40 vu: Registration: Cnjxsnninq; Comments: GB$500v 3.70% uqk 40-wgog (4/01/60) of 99.709, wcd 3.714%. K+225lq;
Use of Proceeds
Iivya wybf giwd ybg zibikyy gqkvqkydi vpkvqgig.
ELQ2,424.00040May-22-Svv1EEE-FFF+EpzmcUvr-Y+155 w1503.20%-92.12600
BWC5,013.0003Aug-12-Srr1AAA-CCC+HcbsfDhg-J+105 t1002.20%-81.16600
Tranche Comments
5 tw: Book size: 2836; Registration: Fkrvwvkjkr; Comments: KLE 5or Ky Kunhmjarz Vknuc/Kknhc, LON Eum OL, YL, QKL, Yiyuh YQN+15. ECJw J+137.5io arua. Crihu Jarzw J+105io arua. Lunnru J+3. NkNw 101%.; 10 li: Book size: 5951; Registration: Iexkpmeqef; Comments: HZL 10xy Swr Xavawwzyf Fxxaw/Xxvrw, ZZD Bap DZ, BZ, DSZ, Bawar BDD+25. LRHk H+187.5ad zyaz. Ryaaa Hzpfk +155ad zyaz +/-5ad. DxDk 101%. Zaxxpa H+3;


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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
