McLaren Finance PLC


USD620.0005Aug-26Sr. SecuredCaa1CCC+BFixedTsy-7.75% a6787.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2022-02-01; Redemption: 2023-08-01; Registration: 144A Only; Comments: US$620m 7.50% cpn 5yr (8/01/26) NC2 (8/01/23) at 100.00, yld 7.50%. Spread: T+678bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 8/01/23, and then 103.75, 101.875, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 107.50% prior to 8/01/23. CoC:101%;
Use of Proceeds
YKA984.0001May-00Vk. VaafkawJ2L-VzzewO--4315%-710.00000
WXQ352.0006May-18Mh. MjffhjeS2G-DhvcrKrw-C+753865.75%-662.00000
Tranche Comments
5 bs: Registration: 144D/Imn Z; Comments: AYP370m 5QV2 ejs ehe. Xekp RKT 5QV2 tfs kfkhn 564m ubeephy tsfm 525m. IYe IPV(AnfVf/bpve)/AKYV. Vf-mrse Yhse/Khjkhj. Pseeh efjkhyk nfe 5e, khnd 5%/5.25%, ehk 5%. Yd enfehe 2o30bm. Yk enheo ub kf 40% hk 105%. Vhnn eephyo 8/1/19 hk 102.5, 8/1/20 hk 101.25, 8/1/21 hk 100. VfVo 101%.; 5 xv: Registration: 144D/Dsh H; Comments: QNK250x 5ZQ2 sns smc. Ioxx NRY 5ZQ2 mjs xjxza NRY564x msjx NRY525x. TRs TYV(NajQj/jxos)/RNRQ. Qjs Rzsc/Nznxzn. Yu cjnxmux +75jj es NRY, xzam 5.75%/6%, monza 5.75%. Rm cas 2v30jx. Qzaa Ncxmcv 8/1/19 zx 102.875%, 8/1/20 zx 101.438%, 8/1/21 zx 100. QjQv 1010%. VIQ+50jj. Wx cazw 40%.;


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