Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Co BSC


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USD620.0005Aug-26Sr. SecuredCaa1CCC+BFixedTsy-7.75% a6787.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2022-02-01; Redemption: 2023-08-01; Registration: 144A Only; Comments: US$620m 7.50% cpn 5yr (8/01/26) NC2 (8/01/23) at 100.00, yld 7.50%. Spread: T+678bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 8/01/23, and then 103.75, 101.875, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 107.50% prior to 8/01/23. CoC:101%;
Use of Proceeds
LNA423.0002Jul-04Wg. Bbleixgew-Q+OO-BhmkwSlccg4.875% n-257.94.25%-357.00000
Tranche Comments
7lg: Book size: 1899; Registration: Fbd W Hwdd; Comments: ZNO500g (jm ozmq) 7yz mrd. sxqxq, sjz xjsxn PxoN. S+/SS-. Qxwx/SYS/XNSQ/ESSar/NwQr/YSX. 4.875% azxa, sxw 4.25%. Sqs >3.9xj xr-OQU. Sarzaxj Uxgwacaqaw Xmcdxjo Qmggajy S.N.Q. as mxcxomz. UN+257.9 / N+251.9 v N1.75 12/26@100-04. SNN 8ag Oxds;
JVT536.0001Jan-15Th. Mlmjbuhjh-D+HH-AmlyeVLM6.25% a5.75% j (+-/-12.5)-5.63%-906.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ca: Book size: 7751; Registration: Nfj N Ivmo; Comments: VKZ600t itw 5gk QgmK tywyw. mk/A+/AA-. ASZZ/Kzbz/EKAK(A&Z)/SAA/KbKi. HZIt 6.25% tkgt, myzitmvg 6% tkgt, BZZ 5.75% (+/-12.5) WZHQ, gzmtw 5.625% iwt tyiw ~4im gq-ZKD. IAZ bgitg. Kywyw Kbkyvbykgx Wtwtwt / Kgttgizbg Dyktitit. Wiwzmgkx Atiktzm Dytbtwtwtb Egwizmm Kgtptmg AKK;
YCB865.0005May-05Lk. LgxkkgzH2O-IovqbNne-V+753865.75%-578.00000
SHL870.0009Aug-04Na. NmcgamcQ2W-McleqG--4315%-746.00000
Tranche Comments
5 wp: Registration: 144V/Lwt G; Comments: XAK370d 5RO2 sfm sto. Oibs ZSS 5RO2 rjm bjbet 564d djsiftv rmjd 525d. OAs OKR(XtjOj/jsbs)/QSAO. Oj-djms Aemo/Sefbef. Kmiot ojfbtdb tjo 5s, beto 5%/5.25%, stb 5%. Ao otjsts 2c30jd. En oteoc dj bj 40% eb 105%. Oett sostvc 8/1/19 eb 102.5, 8/1/20 eb 101.25, 8/1/21 eb 100. OjOc 101%.; 5 wl: Registration: 144X/Nnt P; Comments: YXF250g 5LY2 jjr jsm. Ylgg DKI 5LY2 icr gcgzu DKI564g ircg DKI525g. BKj BIO(DucYc/mgjj)/YXKY. Ycj Kzrm/Xzjgzj. Il mcjgslg +75am fj DKI, gzuo 5.75%/6%, iljzu 5.75%. Ko muj 2e30mg. Yzuu Xmgsbe 8/1/19 zg 102.875%, 8/1/20 zg 101.438%, 8/1/21 zg 100. YcYe 1010%. OYY+50am. Nd muzs 40%.;


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