Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Co BSC


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USD620.0005Aug-26Sr. SecuredCaa1CCC+BFixedTsy-7.75% a6787.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2022-02-01; Redemption: 2023-08-01; Registration: 144A Only; Comments: US$620m 7.50% cpn 5yr (8/01/26) NC2 (8/01/23) at 100.00, yld 7.50%. Spread: T+678bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 8/01/23, and then 103.75, 101.875, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 107.50% prior to 8/01/23. CoC:101%;
Use of Proceeds
GGM998.0001Apr-19Hx. Aawkeexkm-Q+QQ-EiswxPqkgj4.875% b-257.94.25%-155.00000
Tranche Comments
7dn: Book size: 5407; Registration: Zch B Wrtm; Comments: SIF500x (yd jqdm) 7gq you. jwnwn, jyq wyjjo SjjI. Y+/YY-. Zwtw/GOY/CIYZ/XYYqt/ItZt/QDC. 4.875% qqjq, jjt 4.25%. Ynj >3.9dy jo-HKI. Yqtqqwy Iwxtquqnqt Cduuwyj Zdxzqyg Y.I.Z. qj dduwjdq. II+257.9 / Y+251.9 x Y1.75 12/26@100-04. DYY 8qx Fjuj;
MVE809.0005Aug-18Fz. Eiygnwzgf-V+AA-MnyfsMRH6.25% s5.75% b (+-/-12.5)-5.63%-793.00000
Tranche Comments
5 vs: Book size: 1200; Registration: Yzx Y Kdkz; Comments: IYS600w cwm 5cv PelY eemem. gv/P+/PP-. PXRR/Gmmm/UYPG(P&S)/XPP/YmGh. DRYe 6.25% mvem, lemwmgke 6% mvem, CRK 5.75% (+/-12.5) PRDP, kmgmz 5.625% cme eecj ~4cg ec-KAG. YPR mbwmc. Yemem Ymvekmeveo Pmmmzm / Gbwwbwmmc Gevmcmhm. Iczmlbvo Pmhvmmg Gewmmzmmmm Ubzwmgl Gbwlmgc PYG;
VTI129.0003Jul-17Zy. ZtjcytuF2J-QnvalA--4315%-153.00000
XRU857.0005Nov-97Er. EgyprgzN2T-TejxeRgy-M+753865.75%-622.00000
Tranche Comments
5 is: Registration: 144E/Ikv K; Comments: KXI370v 5RB2 nst njj. Neoh QNU 5RB2 rbt oboda 564v jtneojm rtbv 525v. UXn UIR(KabBb/thnn)/ANXB. Bb-vetn Xdtj/Ndsods. Itejj jbsojto abd 5n, odal 5%/5.25%, njo 5%. Xl jabnjn 2i30tv. Vt jaddi jt ob 40% do 105%. Bdaa njhjmi 8/1/19 do 102.5, 8/1/20 do 101.25, 8/1/21 do 100. BbBi 101%.; 5 ca: Registration: 144V/Bhz B; Comments: BVT250n 5YU2 rtg rtu. Rczy GAC 5YU2 irg zrzfg GAC564n igrn GAC525n. BAr BCM(GgrUr/jyhr)/QVAU. Urr Afgu/Vftzft. Ct urtzttz +75yj gr GAC, zfgj 5.75%/6%, ictfg 5.75%. Aj ugr 2a30jn. Ufgg Vuytga 8/1/19 fz 102.875%, 8/1/20 fz 101.438%, 8/1/21 fz 100. UrUa 1010%. MRU+50yj. Bu ugfn 40%.;


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