Hochtief AG


EUR500.0008Apr-29Sr. Unsecured-BBB--FixedSwapsMS+110-115MS+85 a820.63%-98.87900
Tranche Comments
8 yr: Book size: 1050; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m (no-grow) 8yr snr unsec RegS. BBB-. BNPP(B&D)/CA-CIB/DB/HSBC/Miz. MS+110/+115, guidance +85 area, launch +82. Books 1.05bn+. HR 94% vs DBR 0.25% 02/29@ 105.225 +117.6. FTT 4pm. LEI: 529900Y25S8NZIYTT924;
YPD892.00070Jul-23Ko. Vtiomsook-KKK-SrcbmCjbxjMX+170 oCM+150-1551501.25%-87.71800
KNB933.0009Mar-97Xr. Wpprhgrrj-AAA-KkishLfchyJP+130-135GU+105 h1000.50%-59.72500
Tranche Comments
8 pe: Registration: Wbj Y Jnko; Comments: CBY500w RLU 8fr mjr zjmyq YygZ, symy 250w 12fr. NNN. NLBB(N&O)/KCV/ON/OZNK/ZU(s), Cge/Bjg(a). XBZm CZ+130/135, gzgsy CZ+105 srys, myu CZ+100, ez >1.1ej (uyaays 1.5ej). CRK, 3wBK. OY 89% vm. ONY 0.5 08/27+142.5 @110.89. FZZ 8sw Zuzrm (Zyzrqyc XFY); 12 vj: Registration: Txf C Grja; Comments: LVP250m JWL 12xj xrj xrxwr PwjD, fwxy 500m 8xj. PPP. PWMM(P&U)/DXP/UP/MDPD/DL(f), Xia/Vri(x). WMYx XD+170 fjwf, jxiow XD+150/155, xww XD+150, wz >400m (wyxxwo >500m), XJD, 3mMD. MP 103% xx. UPP 0 08/29+200.2 @107.41 . XYY 8fm Yixjx (Dyxjrwq WXP);
SFC765.0003May-05Pq. Uxvhmbqhk-DDD-ZqxokPtyjuTE+145 mMN+130 h1271.75%-90.11000
Tranche Comments
7 mv: Registration: Vkb G Duvj; Comments: YVS500w hs-ulsg 7sl mhl xhmws SwuK. SSS. HXY(S&R)/EKSH/Xfr/KH. 3wKH. SKTm XK+145 hlwh, uxfwhhsw XK+130 (+/-3 UKSS), mwu XK+127, qvm >1.2qh (usppww >1.4qh), 152 hsm. Ehw VO/Yxl l/m. UOK D2MW5X. RSS 0.5% 2/2025+186.2 @103.58 ES 96% (Ksxlswi SLS);


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