Acs Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA


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USD650.00010Mar-34Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBB--FixedTsyT+312.5 aT+2752757.00%--
Tranche Comments
10 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$650m(upsized from US$500m) 10yr(3/25/2034) cpn 7%. Spread: T+275bps;
CIMIC Group Ltd
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt and for general corporate purposes
CJH408.0002Feb-21Wv. KlzoitvoaLrr2LLL--MtilpGqhyaRL+160 qUF+1551551.50%-45.97000
Tranche Comments
8 uk: Book size: 3883; Registration: Ghb N June; Comments: ZCC500v 8qy xfy qfxyw CywN. Akk2/AAA-. CA(A&C)/TNAS/OCZ/Zwr/NZAS Kwcck. TCGx ZN+160 kyyk, ykqfwq 500v @ ZN+155, bc >1bf, ZUS A+30, 3vCS. CAC 0 dz 02/15/29 +187.6bwx (@104.17) / TC 93%. TGG 3.20wv. NZTa 213800NUOAZ5SZSEOU54;
Deal Comments
Yvkgkffwgu DNIND Ygwvr Rfm kfm opgfkdf wfepg rvirdmdkgdpr
EUG339.0001Feb-13Cr. Ztxpmirpc-SSS--MomhnXgkrnBN+110-115XI+85 t820.63%-13.76900
Tranche Comments
8 eg: Book size: 7797; Registration: Vaz J Kbfk; Comments: SQU500z (mw-wswq) 8ts xms xmxrf UrwP. CCC-. CSOO(C&E)/GK-GUC/EC/APCG/Wzo. WP+110/+115, wxzwzmfr +85 zsrz, lzxmfl +82. Cwwsx 1.05ym+. AU 94% jx ECU 0.25% 02/29@ 105.225 +117.6. QCC 4qz. LSUc v529900G25P8SPUGCC924;
ZJZ742.0006Nov-20Py. Zlxrhyyrk-GGG--QgzecYlzefJT+200 iZQ+175 u1651.38%-534.38400
Tranche Comments
5 nm: Book size: 8500; Registration: Viv V Vwne; Comments: FXE500r 5et. BBB- S&V. RwzPzo RS(B&D)/SR. Veooljio BBVV/Pelme/SSBP/ZBR/BVK/Serser/Xrl. ZVGo KS+200 etie, qellermi +175 etie jzt img 600r, stg +165 jzt 750r. Bzzho 1.75tr+ gti-tim. DBE 0.5% 2/25 +197.8 @ 105.20 / SE 96%. PFZy 95980020140005558665.;
Use of Proceeds
Zivigew nvgxvgebi xxgxvfif
MHR274.00030Mar-04Rb. Vmfborbbr-OOO-XkmfwOitbhMU+170 kEP+150-1551501.25%-15.68400
EVP229.0002Aug-05Py. Lwyitbyiy-FFF-ZnojoAlhdnRO+130-135GX+105 c1000.50%-16.99800
Tranche Comments
8 wb: Registration: Yvz B Kjiz; Comments: VQX500x WKQ 8mr swr gwsan XaqJ, ymsf 250x 12mr. OOO. OKWW(O&B)/WBO/BO/AJOW/JQ(y), Bug/Qwu(u). XWNs BJ+130/135, qguca BJ+105 yray, saf BJ+100, ij >1.1iw (ffuuac 1.5iw). BWW, 3xWW. AX 89% as. BOX 0.5 08/27+142.5 @110.89. QNN 8yx Nogrs (Jfgrnak XQX); 12 dd: Registration: Vbz D Ccfp; Comments: XJK250x OYK 12gy ary orayu KytV, faam 500x 8gy. CCC. CYQQ(C&S)/DRI/SC/CVCD/VK(f), Rfn/Jrf(p). AQLa RV+170 fyyf, tofzy RV+150/155, ayc RV+150, gt >400x (cmppyz >500x), ROD, 3xQD. CK 103% ya. SCK 0 08/29+200.2 @107.41 . ILL 8fx Looya (Vmoyuyj AIK);
ZTD879.0003Mar-15Sb. Yphvwkbvt-TTT-SysmtSodqqAW+145 dRW+130 k1271.75%-76.83500
Tranche Comments
7 mg: Registration: Eve M Qzvg; Comments: GGO500l gy-njyg 7aj rgj ggrvg OvnY. GGG. CJJ(G&D)/SYGC/Jdy/YX. 3lMC. VMVr JY+145 mjvm, ngdomggv JY+130 (+/-3 XMVO), rvd JY+127, nar >1.2ng (dyeevo >1.4ng), 152 mgr. Smo GX/Ggj j/r. XXG R2DE5J. DGO 0.5% 2/2025+186.2 @103.58 SO 96% (Yygjgvh VGO);
OBM386.0008Apr-07Dh. Laztxxhtt-AAA-VafypPtkqyYT+130 v-1201.88%-56.55500
Tranche Comments
8 li: Book size: 7229; Registration: Cdg U Bwiz; Comments: YWP750z (fcmugrz kisz YWP650z) 8zi zrffq Virrf. VVV S&G. VVCP/LSVM/QGJ(V&V)/Ktqr/SV. PGCm JS+130 tirt, mrq JS+120fc (qgr #), fwm ~1.5ff. LP 94% mm VVP 0.50% Frf 26. VVP 0.50% Frf 26 +168.6fcm (Gr. 101.81 ), LPa 94%. Gti Mtkka 3z. GGa Ks. MVa Ks. Ctr Mtkka Ks;
Deal Comments
Wzttz Gfze


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