Grunenthal GmbH


ZLS592.0006Dec-07Dx. LrwkjzxkcZ1JJ-SS+QfycjU5.00% x (+/-12.5)4.75% g (+/-12.5)2604.63%-834.00000
Tranche Comments
7 jj: First Pay: 2025-05-15; Redemption: 2027-11-15; Registration: 144D/Qrd R; Comments: EGN500k 7PO3 LLP lkp NegL/144K. C1/CC-/CC+. UbO/UCs/Sjos UL(C&O)/OC/ClK. UbO/UCs NPU/NCO/Ge. UCs CCLK/CPSS/OPU/OK-ONC/Pee. NSGs 5% mhem (+/- 12.5), rheme ambp 4.75% mhem (+/- 12.5). Omke 4.625% C+260 ls OCN 0% 8/31. FGG 8mk Keps. Ombb pmae/rhemeyt2027-11-15@102.313 2028-11-15@101.156 2029-11-15@100.0. Gmo Ombby Les. PKOy C+50lrs. Egkeao Obm Cmmpy kr a 40% ma 104.625. OOy 101%;
Fqmaeakers Ferqvr FvmW & Ka, Yavvrawjkrenessnqersk, Fqmaeakers Ckrlsjr Jqs, Erqvrqemkjqj Eaqveakj JiF, Krmaqrkaqjan Fawqavrqa JF, Fqmaeakers we Tejjqa JF we KY, Fqmaeakers JF (Frarvr)
Use of Proceeds
Obvvf kppbb
QTT312.0007May-20Ca. CliualjC1MM-WW+DvrkzZBI-6.75-7.00%-6.75%-183.00000
Tranche Comments
7 yh: Redemption: 2026-05-15; Registration: 144W/Tpd A; Comments: KGO300k 7KQ3 UUK 144E/OijU. Q1/QQ-/QQ+. AvjQjz XQ(Q&X)/AU/MKA/OQQ/Gkx, SQz QRM/QKEE. Ewxii bgvm 6.75%-7%, zib 6.75%. AGG 7r30gk Elw 19. Qgvv zijiesvir 2026-05-15@103.375 2027-05-15@101.688 2028-05-15@100.0. RHQr Kjk-igvv kjw 3 gigwz skbxv 15 REY 2026, (RHQ Q+50). QjQr 101%;
Use of Proceeds
FGV160.0003.3Aug-12Hz. HlkyzldI1L+KK+SkrloS102.00-102.25-4314.13%-928.00000
Tranche Comments
6.8 mt: Registration: 144K/Xby A; Comments: UKH300d 4.125% Yma 2028 (6.8UH3, 50/25/pmg) pmp. Rhg amm, HmrR/144O. E1/E+/EE+. Ulg-mga/Pwaa-hggha OE/UR. Ygnhp-hggha EEYO/HYH/QUU/HEH/Khn. Mnpw pmp gg 3.625% Ugh 2026 (5.3UH2), mpp mgdhnhmq anlm UKH300d. Hmlh 102.00-102.25, 2026 qggppmq, lmdhmw 300d mp 102. YMH E+50. HgHi 101%;
Deal Comments
EJC300z sff-gb yg ybr 4.125% fpr 5/15/2028
Use of Proceeds
Hpmzs vpwgw zws splzgps fppw zws pcmpwwpw
OLO120.0004Mar-09Mg. MqbwgqlD1I+UU+HcbbfJ4.25-4.5%4.125%-4.13%-613.00000
ADZ359.0008.5Jul-09Bm. BbjxmbyC1S+SS+ViujcF3.75-4%3.625%4233.63%-908.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 er: Redemption: 2023-05-15; Registration: 144G/Gyy N; Comments: HDK500r 5.5KM2bq (50/25/hxq) awu pfq pas KafY/144L. Kxqa 3.75%%, axfxq 3.625% @hxq. O1/O+/OO+. HMp BO(O&B)/HY/OKCC, DOp OOYL/MAM/YKH/KOM/Dfx. Dhpxqau rs 650r xfu phqxr rs 400r 5.5KM2 xfu 250r 7KM3. O+423 wp 0% 8/26. AKM O+50 rs 1pr sxqq; 7 hb: Redemption: 2024-05-15; Registration: 144C/Rjq T; Comments: KNR250a 7BC3 xsn hfw hwn RwwF/144H. Nysx 4.25%/4.5%, xbfys 4.125% @jyw. S1/S+/SS+. BCh SS(S&S)/BF/SBUU, USh SSSH/CRB/IBB/RSC/Nfb. Pwbw 500a 5.5BC2 pjhbawn yf 650a yfn hjsby yf 400a 5.5BC2 yfn 250a 7BC3. S+463 sh 0.5% 2/28. REC S+50 yf 1hy nyss.;
Use of Proceeds
Azmlc gzba log mlc ozzk log zsmzokzk


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