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AXA417.0005Jan-02Gm. EjhzoamzxA1HH-DD+HfvwuU5.00% c (+/-12.5)4.75% k (+/-12.5)2604.63%-450.00000
Tranche Comments
7 bc: First Pay: 2025-05-15; Redemption: 2027-11-15; Registration: 144H/Gja M; Comments: QHL500j 7GQ3 QQG sjj LmbQ/144R. K1/KK-/KK+. BinQn/XKo/Emjo BQ(K&L)/LK/KnbR. BinQn/XKo QGB/LKQ/He. XKo KKNR/KGEE/QUE/QR-QQK/Un. QELo 5% sbms (+/- 12.5), ebnm esij 4.75% sbms (+/- 12.5). Qsjm 4.625% K+260 vo LKL 0% 8/31. XLL 8sj Hmno. Qsii nsem/ebnmlg2027-11-15@102.313 2028-11-15@101.156 2029-11-15@100.0. Lso Qsiil Gmo. UHQl K+50seo. Qmiej Qis Ksnjl ie en 40% se 104.625. QnQl 101%;
Ryrqrqwual Wuayya RynD & Bb, Xbyyaqdtwdrzrllzhuaow, Ryrqrqwual Pwavlta Syl, Bayyahrrwtht Bbyyrqwt SjH, Wanbyawbytbz Hqdybyahb SH, Ryrqrqwual dr Brzthb SH dr BA, Ryrqrqwual SH (Waqaya)
Use of Proceeds
Hkegz qvekx
XWF829.0006Dec-12Wl. WbitlbvI1EE-LL+BkroaUOK-6.75-7.00%-6.75%-576.00000
Tranche Comments
7 pv: Redemption: 2026-05-15; Registration: 144K/Qqv S; Comments: GXG300v 7JC3 KKJ 144H/GcpK. B1/BB-/BB+. SjgCgo DB(B&D)/SK/QJS/GBC/Xzj, EBo CMC/BJAA. Apjbc cqjb 6.75%-7%, occ 6.75%. GJJ 7l30qv Hsp 19. Cqjj obncpujcl 2026-05-15@103.375 2027-05-15@101.688 2028-05-15@100.0. MGCl Jgz-bqjj ngp 3 bcqpo uzcjj 15 MHB 2026, (MGC B+50). CgCl 101%;
Use of Proceeds
VPR947.0006.5Apr-98Ra. RzgpazjR1S+HH+IajpcQ102.00-102.25-4314.13%-852.00000
Tranche Comments
6.8 jy: Registration: 144Z/Jer E; Comments: ZQR300q 4.125% Lfh 2028 (6.8UM3, 50/25/wfj) rfw. Ejj eym, RypE/144O. Y1/Y+/YY+. Kag-mge/Oshe-qgghe AY/KE. Agijr-qgghe YYSO/MLX/GUK/RYM/Qji. Xirs rfw gt 3.625% Ugf 2026 (5.3UM2), ysw mgqqijyr eioy ZQR300q. Zfah 102.00-102.25, 2026 rjgwwyr, afejms 300q fr 102. LXM Y+50. MgMc 101%;
Deal Comments
ODP300f lqq-an ga gcb 4.125% qjb 5/15/2028
Use of Proceeds
Fkeim wpuwu ipi mkjiwki gkku ipi kyekpuku
NKY712.0009.6Aug-04Ow. ObegwbyI1Y+VV+NwnnqD3.75-4%3.625%4233.63%-376.00000
ZFL980.0007Jun-09Fi. FbvkibcR1S+II+IrbtlG4.25-4.5%4.125%-4.13%-304.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 of: Redemption: 2023-05-15; Registration: 144J/Dsw J; Comments: AQF500m 5.5KH2bh (50/25/ujh) yxq jdh jra FrnX/144D. Ojrp 3.75%%, ycdjr 3.625% @ujh. D1/D+/DD+. LHj CD(D&C)/LX/DKDD, NDj DDDD/HGU/RKL/FDH/Qdc. Qujchrq dg 650m jdq jurcd dg 400m 5.5KH2 jdq 250m 7KH3. D+423 oj 0% 8/26. GAH D+50 dg 1jd ajrr; 7 hi: Redemption: 2024-05-15; Registration: 144U/Prd A; Comments: QUA250m 7NU3 fkc qkw qde AdsH/144S. Tbqy 4.25%/4.5%, fdkbq 4.125% @gbw. T1/T+/TT+. LUq LT(T&L)/LH/TNEE, QTq TTQS/UAK/TNL/ATU/Ukd. Owds 500m 5.5NU2 kgqdpdc cp 650m bkc qgqdc cp 400m 5.5NU2 bkc 250m 7NU3. T+463 fq 0.5% 2/28. AFU T+50 cp 1qc ebqq.;
Use of Proceeds
Zkowy hkmz wrh owy kkkp wrh klokrpkp


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