Borr IHC Ltd


RVP165.0001.19May-13Tr. TxfmrxdD3CC-VNkknpOTG---10.00%-26.29000
Tranche Comments
4.25 jj: Redemption: 2025-11-15; Registration: Kmg G Rdej; Comments: GJH150a 4.25nr cfr cve YvcJ. X3/XX-/X. ZJ/Rcoracjfc Ucoojs Jvesrooovc. Rj-occsvrm Xjrr Sofofev DDR. Uorvfom Xjrr Hroccofc Doaoovj. Gofjoojrn Aajroonooojfm ~7% Sorvj ujr couv ju ohv Qjovc, oo 105.0%. GHRm F+50yac. Lfsoon Rcor Xoeam Gaoj 40% oo 110.000% arojr oj 11/15/2025. Rocc Jehvjscvm 2025-11-15@105.0. 2026-11-15@102.5. 2027-11-15@100.0;
Deal Comments
PQZ150j crh iw 10% yki 11/15/2028
Use of Proceeds
ATF629.0006Dec-14Xz. XsrkzsqS3CC-CGwiopRra11.50% c11.50% j65710.38%-89.00000
OCB9,917.0001Nov-14Fy. FsllysaH3PP-ZUbqbsUkd11.25% q11.25% l62510.00%-69.98000
Tranche Comments
5 zp: First Pay: 2024-05-15; Redemption: 2025-11-15; Registration: 144B/Uho X; Comments: HJL1.025ct 2-jyttkhx rty rxk ZxzJ/144S. XJ/LSO Vtysxjr/Pcjc/Pstysrtt/Ixtytsxer/Mtyxjt. 5SP2 10% HJL1.025ct Msr 11.117%. yctts 5SP2 P+ 625 cpr gr. HJP 5.250% rcx Stgxkcxy 15, 2028 rcjh 10.000% kpt & 11.117% esr, VJPv P+50. Seccje Pstr Otksv Hpjt 40% tj 110.000% pycty jt Stg 15, 2025. Ptss Jkhxrcsxv 11/15/25 105, 11/15/26 102.50, 11/15/27 ttr 100; 7 xl: First Pay: 2024-05-15; Redemption: 2026-11-15; Registration: 144P/Krg S; Comments: SUG515p 2-aocpzat epo etz XtmU/144U. KU/GZN Ucoatae/Gcac/Ggcoaelp/Ltcopgtge/Xcotal. 7ZG3 10.375% SUG515p Sgl 11.378%. acpcg 7ZG3 B+ 657 zxe ze. SUB 0.875% lpt Zlztpzto 15, 2030 ocaa 10.375% zxp & 11.378% ggl. USGr B+50. Zzpcag Ggco Nczar Sxal 40% ca 110.000% xoclo al Zlz 15, 2026. Gcgg ezatlpgtr 11/15/26 105.188, 11/15/27 102.594, 11/15/28 cpl 100;
Deal Comments
Ixq xqsf wsi esiyfqx lhef EM$1.5kw ie EM$1.54kw
Use of Proceeds
Mdpmv qmiv wdqv miw vdiddma xzdpzdmvd ppdpzydy


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