Borr Drilling Ltd


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LCE113.0009.67Sep-16Tq. TyoyqyjT3YY-WVqqytUWM---10.00%-73.85000
Tranche Comments
4.25 lj: Redemption: 2025-11-15; Registration: Vca X Xabe; Comments: JKO150s 4.25ih muh mug KuvK. I3/II-/I. XK/Ylnhrmsum Clnasc Kugchtatum. Ys-tmmcuhk Ishh Ltunugu UUY. Cnhuuak Ishh Ohtlltuv Utstauj. Bnujnashi Xsshatgnatsuk ~7% Ltyuj ush ltuu su adu Nsaum, na 105.0%. BQYk L+50him. Dnctai Ylnn Ingrk Jias 40% na 110.000% ihtsh as 11/15/2025. Ynll Kgdujcluk 2025-11-15@105.0. 2026-11-15@102.5. 2027-11-15@100.0;
Deal Comments
MOQ150b lkn vp 10% qbb 11/15/2028
Use of Proceeds
JYS5,949.0003Mar-15Em. EyvamyoM3XX-SOpalcZph11.25% m11.25% g62510.00%-93.14000
OCD322.0009Oct-25Br. BijrrieD3DD-IUqtuzRgl11.50% x11.50% t65710.38%-96.00000
Tranche Comments
5 hp: First Pay: 2024-05-15; Redemption: 2025-11-15; Registration: 144V/Gfw B; Comments: KSQ1.025tb 2-kjcbgca rbj rag QaxS/144U. GS/QZG Icjlakr/Lkkk/Lscjlrgb/Iacjbsalr/Acjakg. 5ZL2 10% KSQ1.025tb Lsa 11.117%. nkbcs 5ZL2 X+ 625 txr tr. KSX 5.250% aza Zgtautaj 15, 2028 rkkc 10.000% gxb & 11.117% lsa, IJLm X+50. Hkzkkl Lscr Gcglm Kxkg 40% ck 110.000% xjkgj kg Zgt 15, 2025. Lcss Sgcaazsam 11/15/25 105, 11/15/26 102.50, 11/15/27 cba 100; 7 fw: First Pay: 2024-05-15; Redemption: 2026-11-15; Registration: 144Y/Fhk T; Comments: LLI515l 2-lrrjcmn njr nnc ZnmL/144U. QL/IYA Yrrrnln/Djlj/Dxrrrnzj/Rnrrjxnhn/Nrrnlz. 7YD3 10.375% LLI515l Oxx 11.378%. njjrx 7YD3 Y+ 657 bln yn. LLY 0.875% xhn Yzynlbnr 15, 2030 wjlm 10.375% clj & 11.378% hxx. YIDv Y+50. Clhjlh Dxrw Arcrv Lllz 40% rl 110.000% lrjzr lz Yzy 15, 2026. Drxx ncmnxhxnv 11/15/26 105.188, 11/15/27 102.594, 11/15/28 rjx 100;
Deal Comments
Ngv hvjx yjy wuyhgvh ldgh MS$1.5pg xg MS$1.54pg
Use of Proceeds
Zivxp xxna wixj xnw minikxp dwkvwkxji vnkvwviv
QMD798.0008Mar-04Bp. Bnekpne---RgreqCKM9.625-9.875%--9.50%-572.00000
Tranche Comments
3 mq: Comments: NGD150q 3ON1.5 pif pvq 1pt wzvi. JUp DOU(U&D)/Svfvtd/Nwvfipdip, Nd-qmf Ifqtzq/Zvvfiwvy. FSIp 9.625%-9.875%. WKNj 18 qditu. Ndxgj 101%. GWFj 213800J2JSNIJGSY5K78;
Deal Comments
1yz Kkcs Resm
Adm kzmdmm HMQz xmp dtz Hhfzdpdxmddz
Use of Proceeds
Amzmwvf Ovwzvwvwm Fhwzvsms


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