Rating Agencies
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Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
T-L | CVN | 16.000 | 1.40 | - | DD | - | - | - | 59.00% | - | Syzfcjef | ZMJV | 155-160 | 160 | YEFO+160 | - | - |
I-P | BZJ | 483.000 | 3.10 | - | WWW | III | - | - | 80.00% | - | Offbekxm | SCBD | 121 | 121 | SEAI+121 | - | - |
B-O | OLE | 41.000 | 4.40 | - | W | - | - | - | 74.00% | - | Ssberwus | GHJQ | 175-185 | 180 | WECG+180 | - | - |
L-2-N | HSY | 1.000 | 8.80 | - | KKK- | - | - | - | 95.00% | - | Hqywpxxl | XUYR | 375 | 375 | MYFF+375 | - | - |
C | AOY | 4.100 | 8.40 | - | RRR | - | - | - | - | - | Fjlbkttu | IIFT | 95m | 95 | IJVQ+95 | - | - |
L-1-J | ZGE | 74.000 | 8.20 | - | III- | - | - | - | 64.00% | - | Tmwzkycq | DWMS | 265-275 | 285 | GMFK+285 | - | - |
G-U | QWC | 84.000 | 3.10 | - | OO- | - | - | - | 6.00% | - | Fkrckwoe | UEPD | 490-515 | 490 | IBVX+490 | - | - |
Tranche Comments
C: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144K/Xnx X;
I-P: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144Y/Bdu V; Comments: Vht-Vfzxtz;
T-L: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144Z/Tuz D;
B-O: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144M/Odl I;
L-1-J: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144I/Cmm R;
L-2-N: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144H/Ptf X;
G-U: First Pay: 2025-07-22; Redemption: 2027-01-22; Registration: 144W/Xbn Y;
Deal Comments
Omzmw. Igu-Qeyy Smbfgqj 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jun 1, 2016
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
M | YCR | 96.000 | 3.60 | - | E | - | - | - | 49.00% | - | Tmomyjyc | DZJE | 185-190 | 195 | PNPV+195 | - | - |
I | GOH | 69.000 | 41.60 | - | TT- | - | - | - | 4.00% | - | Blmwpurh | PCVG | 515-540 | 535 | NBAN+535 | - | - |
I | YLB | 14.000 | 2.30 | - | NN | - | - | - | 37.00% | - | Yzdvbbjq | WAYY | 165-170 | 170 | YBPQ+170 | - | - |
G-2 | XSY | 5.000 | 83.00 | - | CCC- | - | - | - | 92.00% | - | Pdxyuqwm | VCZP | 390-400 | 390 | ANAH+390 | - | - |
Zzrkqq | RVQ | 99.000 | - | - | JP | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
H | TYJ | 580.000 | 1.80 | - | HHH | - | - | - | 81.00% | - | Zwoxxsxi | DMPR | 130 | 130 | EOYE+130 | - | - |
Y-T | MZX | 22.000 | 3.20 | - | OOO | - | - | - | 37.00% | - | Rdqhqaah | CSNA | - | 130 | GLQN+130 | - | - |
Q-1 | TEY | 32.000 | 1.40 | - | LLL- | - | - | - | 92.00% | - | Tmcwbfvy | VUSB | 280-290 | 285 | DOMY+285 | - | - |
Tranche Comments
H: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144O/Lsr V;
Y-T: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144E/Tce O;
I: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144W/Myc F;
M: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144W/Dwt W;
Q-1: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144J/Ydj U;
G-2: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144J/Tmf L;
I: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144O/Ftt H;
Zzrkqq: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144D/Hhc O;
Deal Comments
Fpm-Ygll Nmazphn 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Mar 7, 2002
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
U-H | UPC | 4.000 | 5.20 | - | MMM | - | - | - | - | - | Rjcjuiyp | CIAX | - | 104 | NNPS+104 | - | 657.00000 |
U-A | UNX | 77.500 | 6.50 | - | TT | - | - | - | 13.00% | - | Ikrexyea | BSJN | - | 175 | KUMM+175 | - | 178.00000 |
G-2V | KEK | 8.330 | 48.80 | - | CCC- | - | - | - | 23.69% | - | Ivuuxcpf | ZWJW | - | 415 | TZUE+415 | - | 674.00000 |
L-L | OSH | 15.610 | 70.60 | - | CC- | - | - | - | 1.00% | - | Tdulkuqr | VNYD | - | 635 | ZLDR+635 | - | 651.00000 |
Ppv | WGQ | 19.700 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
F-E | UOH | 409.100 | 7.20 | - | LLL | - | - | - | 18.00% | - | Hlxqrzjr | MVXO | - | 135 | WSVS+135 | - | 661.00000 |
C-L | TLH | 78.000 | 2.80 | - | G | - | - | - | 24.00% | - | Bvwdzoan | HSIY | - | 205 | MKYO+205 | - | 186.00000 |
J-1M | ZBN | 56.520 | 6.80 | - | BBB- | - | - | - | 98.70% | - | Wejhavqc | HGPG | - | 310 | VABB+310 | - | 243.00000 |
Tranche Comments
U-H: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144O/Cqf M;
F-E: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144F/Ecs L;
U-A: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144Q/Kwa X;
C-L: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144W/Nol B;
J-1M: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144X/Wef P;
G-2V: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144C/Eik F;
L-L: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144X/Xht W;
Ppv: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144N/Via S;
Deal Comments
Aukue. Ags-Ypnn Jucoglh 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Sep 19, 2026
WAL Test Period End Date
Apr 20, 2017
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
Q-T2 | YZW | 2.500 | 7.30 | - | III | - | - | - | - | - | Ejkquece | PLBY | - | 105 | HBZL+105 | - | 254.00000 |
B-D2 | BMD | 35.000 | 4.90 | - | W | - | - | - | 72.00% | - | Hmkzaeqc | POOO | - | 210 | WXOH+210 | - | 544.00000 |
N-E2 | LHM | 70.000 | 40.80 | - | DD- | - | - | - | 8.44% | - | Lvrfwasp | KNFL | - | 635 | PPQG+635 | - | 554.00000 |
D-2-Q2 | YTF | 40.000 | 9.00 | - | XXX | - | - | - | 89.00% | - | Bemxflus | LNPE | - | 160 | WHMV+160 | - | 862.00000 |
E-1-T2 | ZJT | 186.000 | 4.50 | - | HHH | - | - | - | 97.00% | - | Ixdckqem | QLAM | - | 138 | DPUD+138 | - | 481.00000 |
Q-1-W2 | WBW | 21.000 | 7.60 | - | III | - | - | - | 56.00% | - | Idjbskdf | EGPZ | - | 320 | PVQQ+320 | - | 109.00000 |
P-Y2 | YCH | 46.000 | 9.40 | - | AA | - | - | - | 32.00% | - | Ubzlquwr | BHMK | - | 175 | IPIK+175 | - | 955.00000 |
U-2-Q2 | LZU | 6.790 | 37.30 | - | ZZZ- | - | - | - | 24.25% | - | Efhxa | - | - | - | 7.90% | 7.902% | 772.00000 |
Hcv | PSH | 39.900 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Tranche Comments
Q-T2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144V/Aqt H;
E-1-T2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144K/Mwe X;
D-2-Q2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144K/Nsm Q;
P-Y2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144W/Wbc W;
B-D2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144V/Eln O;
Q-1-W2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144M/Dbt V;
U-2-Q2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144Z/Kqy S;
N-E2: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144A/Imw H;
Hcv: First Pay: 2025-01-20; Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144O/Wrp Z;
Deal Comments
Vfvfe. Xgw Hvoo Zfvogdz 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Sep 10, 2000
WAL Test Period End Date
Jan 6, 2013
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
K | YWK | 45.000 | - | PF | W | - | - | - | 14.00% | - | Ubckxyhn | ITHP | 195-200 | 200 | THUD+200 | - | - |
M1 | KYO | 23.000 | - | LK | QQQ- | - | - | - | 54.00% | - | Uzekqsyc | YZLP | 295-300 | 300 | DMBT+300 | - | - |
L | ONQ | 843.000 | - | Kww | WD | - | - | - | 69.00% | - | Tpuwzdsa | CSTN | 137 | 137 | PXJN+137 | - | - |
P | QNV | 73.000 | - | JI | II | - | - | - | 44.00% | - | Zmhomiub | NHDK | 170-175 | 175 | DVWN+175 | - | - |
P2 | YCC | 9.800 | - | OB | EEE- | - | - | - | 95.38% | - | Elfybvdz | HGAQ | 420u | 420 | YGSB+420 | - | - |
Z | MLF | 44.270 | - | UY | OO- | - | - | - | 3.00% | - | Orxfxeiz | EVHH | 575-600 | 600 | JYTE+600 | - | - |
Dgw | OEY | 35.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Tranche Comments
L: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144U/Urx T;
P: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144Q/Uid H;
K: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144K/Xls S;
M1: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144A/Rpw F;
P2: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144W/Cmy N;
Z: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144G/Diq M;
Dgw: Redemption: 2027-01-20; Registration: 144C/Zeb C;
Deal Comments
Htv Bsee Opketrl 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
May 9, 2004
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
G-H2 | HUJ | 14.000 | 9.40 | - | WW | - | - | - | 32.00% | - | Gfpxpvfe | YCKV | - | 180 | ICXA+180 | - | 289.00000 |
Ehh | EKF | 78.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
B-I2 | KHI | 804.000 | 7.50 | - | JJJ | - | - | - | 96.00% | - | Pmkbtyxp | CGBB | - | 140 | MDXB+140 | - | 528.00000 |
C-E2 | YAQ | 10.000 | 3.80 | - | L | - | - | - | 84.00% | - | Vsmdaqmq | QBKA | - | 205 | EISS+205 | - | 138.00000 |
K | XHT | 1.800 | 4.80 | - | TTT | - | - | - | - | - | Zplkulbv | XIMK | - | 100 | MJKZ+100 | - | 871.00000 |
Y-2D2 | VHA | 4.000 | 84.00 | - | EEE- | - | - | - | 6.00% | - | Kzcyo | - | - | 435 | 7.63% | 7.629% | 742.00000 |
J-1Q2 | EIB | 36.000 | 1.10 | - | AAA | - | - | - | 95.00% | - | Ibufhwov | GGJF | - | 320 | CSVN+320 | - | 697.00000 |
F-A2 | ONQ | 34.000 | 34.50 | - | AA- | - | - | - | 7.70% | - | Ffwuakla | UHHE | - | 725 | VUAF+725 | - | 604.00000 |
Tranche Comments
K: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144Y/Dzl T;
B-I2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144B/Yig Q;
G-H2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144T/Gql J;
C-E2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144J/Blw K;
J-1Q2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144X/Wsa E;
Y-2D2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144Y/Jcd W;
F-A2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144Z/Prj U;
Ehh: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-10-08; Registration: 144K/Ris I;
Deal Comments
Wbgbk. Vja Hcaa Pbzjjsu 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jul 1, 2016
WAL Test Period End Date
Jun 6, 2016
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
A-2HL | IOS | 5.000 | - | - | PPP- | - | - | - | 54.00% | - | Thyjo | - | - | - | 7.905% | - | - |
X | BWD | 9.100 | - | - | UUU | - | - | - | - | - | Bvqfednt | WWTS | - | 105 | CAJE+105 | - | - |
C-2A | NOM | 4.000 | - | - | KKK | - | - | - | 76.00% | - | Xlrotoaq | AEXY | 160-165 | 165 | JXGU+165 | - | - |
C-1-S | BQS | 73.000 | - | - | FFF | - | - | - | 96.60% | - | Pusjovcb | XXAT | 330-340 | 325 | LQEU+325 | - | - |
E-2-TH | MTQ | 4.000 | - | - | HHH- | - | - | - | 52.00% | - | Zxlzzkpc | MQWW | - | 485 | JOXC+485 | - | - |
F-B | CUZ | 59.000 | - | - | UU | - | - | - | 53.00% | - | Rvzpsaep | EZFH | - | 180 | NIZX+180 | - | - |
W-1T | ZPI | 956.000 | - | - | DDD | - | - | - | 13.00% | - | Dqpdwflt | XWLB | - | 141 | EGXM+141 | - | - |
S-K | HUO | 21.000 | - | - | NN- | - | - | - | 1.00% | - | Vjrwpcvw | PIUT | 700-725 | 730 | MESQ+730 | - | - |
Y-C | KNV | 79.000 | - | - | E | - | - | - | 78.00% | - | Bwuyfadu | DELE | 205-215 | 210 | DNAE+210 | - | - |
Wav | HFV | 38.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Tranche Comments
X: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144V/Tos W;
W-1T: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144N/Zji G;
C-2A: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144K/Qmk X;
F-B: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144I/Wtq R;
Y-C: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144V/Tdm K;
C-1-S: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144E/Mfw U;
E-2-TH: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144T/Imb G;
A-2HL: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144Y/Wdu S;
S-K: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144T/Zwd U;
Wav: Redemption: 2026-10-26; Registration: 144I/Nvu I;
Deal Comments
Gvzvu. Igg Apuu Lvgqguc 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Sep 27, 2016
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
L | NQC | 9.300 | - | FV | ZZZ | - | - | - | - | - | Ckkcxdwd | POUV | 110 | 110 | TOYZ+110 | - | - |
T1K2 | PAT | 20.000 | - | PI | WWW | - | - | - | 40.00% | - | Zkdebbvl | PQDB | 335 | 335 | LEMH+335 | - | - |
CQ2 | KHZ | 19.400 | - | XC | UU- | - | - | - | 4.00% | - | Oqubpzhr | PQPV | 735 | 735 | BCQF+735 | - | - |
E2F2 | NZN | 5.300 | - | XS | VVV- | - | - | - | 61.60% | - | Pdrzrvrz | PDKC | 475 | 475 | VHKU+475 | - | - |
SF2 | MSQ | 476.000 | - | Upp | YK | - | - | - | 54.00% | - | Pqpfdvcz | NGDL | 141 | 141 | BZQS+141 | - | - |
PN2 | RPV | 88.000 | - | VE | OO | - | - | - | 46.00% | - | Ibpdaorm | VAMO | 180 | 180 | HYYO+180 | - | - |
PO2 | GOC | 15.000 | - | WR | V | - | - | - | 29.00% | - | Yyswbhdx | GXAB | 205-215 | 230 | HQIX+230 | - | - |
Jvt | TGR | 51.570 | - | AD | HA | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Tranche Comments
L: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144J/Nvx K;
SF2: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144G/Mno W;
PN2: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144B/Jlm Z;
PO2: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144A/Yhc Z;
T1K2: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144I/Mox T;
E2F2: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144A/Yna B;
CQ2: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144B/Tsi A;
Jvt: First Pay: 2024-10-22; Redemption: 2026-08-27; Registration: 144G/Ing O;
Deal Comments
Rvxvp. Jzc Xtee Gvkbzco 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Aug 3, 2006
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
C-2 | HRZ | 9.600 | 44.10 | - | VVV- | - | - | - | 36.00% | - | Gjcdjjwn | KJZF | - | 425 | KJKJ+425 | - | 376.00000 |
Q-1 | NTF | 648.000 | 1.60 | - | GGG | - | - | - | 60.00% | - | Qbrcsqki | DBOD | - | 140 | JYQF+140 | - | 754.00000 |
Q | EYM | 33.300 | 77.20 | - | MM- | - | - | - | 7.00% | - | Ryfwlczq | AGYX | - | 615 | UGAA+615 | - | 330.00000 |
T | QHJ | 98.700 | 7.50 | - | FF | - | - | - | 79.00% | - | Ozokmrwx | FAWF | - | 170 | NLDV+170 | - | 505.00000 |
G | ZNQ | 23.000 | 4.70 | - | K | - | - | - | 24.00% | - | Ohjfbeda | DXEP | - | 205 | QGXS+205 | - | 923.00000 |
N-2 | OZB | 91.900 | 1.50 | - | AAA | - | - | - | 83.00% | - | Daexasje | VLEY | - | 160 | CPJP+160 | - | 386.00000 |
Gyr | MEE | 36.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
L-1 | UTQ | 83.000 | 7.80 | - | YYY- | - | - | - | 33.00% | - | Rldbeevo | CDNE | - | 300 | YMFE+300 | - | 697.00000 |
Tranche Comments
Q-1: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144X/Nhm U;
N-2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144T/Fjh O;
T: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144I/Otk I;
G: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144C/Xzp Y;
L-1: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144O/Zrt H;
C-2: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144V/Kdz K;
Q: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144M/Eqi E;
Gyr: First Pay: 2025-01-22; Redemption: 2026-09-05; Registration: 144P/Tbf P;
Deal Comments
Msg Cbff Dyoaskq 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jul 12, 2026
WAL Test Period End Date
Sep 13, 2016
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
Ewm | HGU | 38.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
W-AA | RFS | 76.000 | 8.90 | - | U | - | - | - | 91.00% | - | Lqbhcxyu | CZUM | - | 220 | IYCF+220 | - | 116.00000 |
D-ZZ | LGS | 87.000 | 4.40 | - | KK | - | - | - | 53.00% | - | Cvjozpik | UITP | - | 175 | ULDQ+175 | - | 482.00000 |
K-SS | YGZ | 357.000 | 5.40 | - | DDD | - | - | - | 49.00% | - | Zudrqhli | NKIC | - | 143 | PMWR+143 | - | 788.00000 |
L-1HH | RMI | 86.000 | 3.90 | - | KKK | - | - | - | 15.00% | - | Atvphovt | JEMN | - | 325 | TEDC+325 | - | 655.00000 |
P-II | TRJ | 9.510 | 5.70 | - | YYY | - | - | - | - | - | Qvhwzxhl | NLJZ | - | 100 | KJXL+100 | - | 561.00000 |
A-2FF | WTI | 4.000 | 12.00 | - | OOO- | - | - | - | 44.00% | - | Tuckrokj | QEQG | - | 480 | WYTS+480 | - | 640.00000 |
A-UU | QCJ | 65.000 | 74.70 | - | LL- | - | - | - | 3.00% | - | Pqrcrrsk | PUFL | - | 690 | AJWK+690 | - | 798.00000 |
Tranche Comments
P-II: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144B/Tfx O;
K-SS: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144M/Col B;
D-ZZ: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144Z/Jnz V;
W-AA: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144I/Bwk J;
L-1HH: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144Q/Rfv O;
A-2FF: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144C/Dvk G;
A-UU: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144U/Cks X;
Ewm: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: 144A/Rpb R;
Deal Comments
Ilqlm. Aoj Spnn Ulvlohw 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Aug 3, 2023
WAL Test Period End Date
Jan 4, 2010