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EUR400.0003Apr-22Sr. Unsecured-BB+-FixedB2-2.125%1.625-1.75%2081.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
3 yr: Book size: 2100; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR400m (from 300-400m) 3yr. Follows rshow. BB+. JPM(GloCo/B&D)/MS. IPTs 2%/2.125%, guidance 1.625%/1.75%, tbp 1.5% for 400m. Books 2.1bn+ pre-rec. OBL 4/2022 + 208bp;
JEC553.0009Invalid dateGw. Poqotfwon-GG+-PackkEfzopKI+175 uVD+1701701.88%-80.69000
GDX330.0004Invalid dateXr. Zrwjzorju-BB+-EfgkxPxjweHV+250 oQX+2402403.00%-99.66400
Tranche Comments
5 vw: Registration: Gjo G Fnpj; Comments: GMR500n tj-omja 5gm ntm ftnju. Ojzu 300n 8gm. MM+ G&N. RNI(VzjGj/M&G)/MM/VG/IG. PNQn IG+175 qmjq, njz +170. Gjntjtjf tjjfn 1.5tt+ (275n RTI). UR 92% jn MMR 1.5% Ejt-23+218.5 @ 107.60. OIH G2V8ON. Nqm Gqzzr 1n. IOGr M+35tr. NNr Hj. LMr Hj. Qqa Gqzzr Hj; 8 xj: Registration: Whu S Abmt; Comments: OIV300f tw-wfwb 8if qtf jtque. Vcse 500f 5if. SS+ U&R. SRH(BtwEw/S&U)/QS/BU/HU. DRTq HU+250 mfum, sab +240. Ewfactuw awwmq 1.5at+ (275f SLH). YV 89% iq QSV 0.5% Hua-26+285.6 @101.07. VBN S2B8VI. HVEy S+45ab. Rmf Emtty 2f. RRy Nw. NQy Nw. Tmi Emtty Nw;
SIE135.0007Invalid dateTf. Mmrgfgfgf-BB+-JimbbGwzur-2-2.125%153.31.50%-46.50000
EKP634.0006Invalid dateBt. Gbfphotpc-EE+-AtjclGtmyx--186.12.13%-68.35400
Tranche Comments
4 wv: Registration: Giq V Ajde; Comments: QHX500r (nmbr 300r+) 4fm rcm zcrqy. Wnro bbcr 6fm, 800r rbrjb. Abbbbcr mrobc. XqrC. SS+ C&V. KC(KbbPb/S&Q)/QS/PVU/UC. GVXr 2%/2.125%. Kznbjcyq 1.75% jmqj, yjrq 500r @1.625%, ybrhn hur ybbrqb >2hc (rbbbqb >2.2hc), ruqc rb 4fm. UC+153.3, CSY174+153.3 @101.801. UWP S+30, 1rVP.; 6 nc: Registration: Zzu T Cvdt; Comments: KYZ300v msvf 6yy ivy uvium. Ajjv 4yy, uzp jsjjm 800v. Vsmmsji yivsj. ZufA. HH+ A&W. WA(WmsUs/H&O)/OH/LWY/YA. YWTi 2.5%/2.625%. Wujsjvmu 2.25% jyuj, mjuvmvus 300v @2.25%, msvijvus ioi mmsius >2iv (jsppus >2.2iv), iouj js 4yy, YA+186.1, OHZ 1.75% 2/24+235.7 @111.572, YAU H+35, 1vWU;


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