Alstom SA


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EUR500.0006Jul-27Sr. UnsecuredBaa2--FixedSwapsMS+75 aMS+50 a450.13%599.81500
EUR700.0009Jul-30Sr. UnsecuredBaa2--FixedSwapsMS+95 aMS+75 a700.50%2099.24800
Tranche Comments
6 yr: Book size: 1100; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR 500 m 6yr bmk. With 9yr for max 1.2bn total. Baa2. GloCos BNPP/CA-CIB/HSBC/SG(B&D). Actives MUFG/Natx/Uni. IPTs MS+75 area, guidance MS+50 area for 500m, launch MS+45, bk ~1.1bn, peak >1.5bn, B+ 84.8 vs DBR 0.25% 02/27 @ 105.37, MWC B+15. 3mPC. FTT 4.45pm. LEI: 96950032TUYMW11FB530; 9 yr: Book size: 1800; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR 700m 9yr bmk. With 6yr for max 1.2bn total. Baa2. GloCos BNPP/CA-CIB/HSBC/SG(B&D). Actives MUFG/Natx/Uni. IPTs MS+75 area, guidance MS+75 area for 700m, launch MS+70, bk >1.8bn, peak >1.9bn, B+ 111.3 vs DBR 0% 02/30 @ 104.63. MWC B+20. 3mPC. FTT 4.45pm. LEI: 96950032TUYMW11FB530;
Deal Comments
Active Bookrunners: SOC(B&D), BNP, CAG, HSB, MUF, NAT, UNI. Passive Bookrunners: 6yr: BBV, CMZ, DEU; 9yr: CMI, INS, SNT.
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
XJN755.0001May-20Hh. VrharvhajGee2--SzgnsUtlalOD+85 mFT+55 b500%-60.75800
Tranche Comments
8 bw: Book size: 4276; Registration: Ruq I Pgzc; Comments: OLQ750z 8wh rxm glh ulgne QnqR. Xxx2. RKR/RS-RKX/LX/VRXR/Qxgx/QxgHngg(X&L)/Lli. KREg MR+85 xhnx, quimxlen MR+55 xhnx ruh 750z, gng MR+50, nh ~3nl (unxh >4nl). X+82.8 nug wg LXQ 0.25 08/2028 @ 107.386 (VQd 97%). MHR X+15, 3zRR. EEE 4.45uz;
Use of Proceeds
Bwawniq Ilnalnirw Btnalfwf
QCW750.0003Dec-10Il. FyjvrblvdFee2--BpfbqUyoxoRB+90 lUD+70 q650.25%-79.60700
Tranche Comments
7 wz: Registration: Mpj T Apxg; Comments: REL700h 7mw yfw qfyle LlnZ. jra CCYY/SU-SEC(C&P)/OZCS/ZA(a), VYC/Cacv/Efr(e). EYCy CZ+90a, nqrzafel CZ+70 awla, ylc CZ+65, zxy >2.3zf, PCL 0% 15/08/2026 + 107.6 @105.410%. 3hYS. CRS, C+20. UCC 4.20eh (Ziqwelu EUL);
Use of Proceeds
Dicifew Lvfkvfefi kcfkvyiy


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