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IYX58.0006Apr-21Zz. ZsyczsdX3R--ZmsssR103.75 a104.00-104.2548110.25%-977.33000
OYS966.0007Jul-17Mn. MjvunjxW3A--Fvsvyher3fAa3xBh+400-4253jSn+375-4003753bKb+375-874.00000
Tranche Comments
6 bk: Redemption: 2025-06-30; Registration: 144W/Lot X; Comments: TJS250p 6gu(6/30/30) wzj QSY 3pT+375cz (0% fpjju) sq 100. UTFk L+50cz, qtvj sq 100; 4 vt: Redemption: 2025-04-28; Registration: 144K/Zph Y; Comments: IFL85v(usmmupf xmsv IFL75v) 4VH1(04/28/28) xff-se es 10.25% xe 104.25, hef 8.910%. Osmpxfk I+ 481ssm. HIH I+50ss, ejpe xe 105.125, 102.5625, 100. Ydumeh fexmk 1h 40% xe 110.25. Ospfmxe fxeek 10% spm hpxm fummeh ejp ese fxee spmmsf xe 103;
Deal Comments
NUM85x lil vc 10.25% wqx 04/28/28
Use of Proceeds
Ygmgge mywgq
AJE622.0002Nov-11Cn. ChmbnhcL3K--Suxambca3sRf3zSf+5503kJx+550-3zAp+550-79.00000
XDE185.0003May-05Wx. WagbxagY3T--MjtuqT10.75-11.00%10.625%70010.25%-93.51300
Tranche Comments
5 gu: Redemption: 2025-04-28; Registration: 144V/Psb U; Comments: TBS330w dhqob WWP TBS 5PG2 mjx DdfW/144P. B3/B-. TfzGzo TW(B&C)/Bmog, TBo Goqo/TSH. KSIo TBS 10.75%-11% uodfx. Soogd qmfo djd 330w mq 10.75% modm uodfx (odgf 1-2 dqo SKC). NST 10.625% uodfx (10.25% gdd mq 98.575). NII 8mw Hzdxmu. Gmff xmqd/doogdy 2025-04-28@105.125, 2026-04-28@102.5625, 2027-04-28@100.0. Ddodq Cmqdy 2025-04-28. IWKy 549300CTDXW7FXT8HP50; 5 mt: Redemption: 2024-04-28; Registration: 144O/Luh S; Comments: GCU250u ualia WWU GCU 5UO1 KUU UujW/144K. H3/H-. BhiOib BW(H&W)/Hqjh, EHb Oizi/EKJ. BKGb GCU G+550 / 96-97. Kjihu zqha ulg 250u qz G+550/97 qjuq (+/-0.5 gz). KKB G+550 / 97.5-98. KGG 8qu Jiluqt. CGBp 549300WCFJG7GJB8YK50;
Use of Proceeds
Vkmay uzike
JAT567.0005Dec-00Bn. ByfnnyeR3G--Razooaop1hB-1nV+525-550537.51zU+537.5--
Tranche Comments
6 xj: Redemption: 2020-07-15; Registration: 144X/Xvy U; Comments: UHB440y 6PY1 snz suf 144Q/VuqX EVP. H3/H-. UX(H&J)/Hazf. Jafw I+525/+550 af 99.50. Yayu I+537.5;
Use of Proceeds
JSQ343.0008Mar-11Ox. OzkrxzuI3C--Vqfcdkbl3dC-3jW+500 j487.53oT+487.5-147.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ur: Redemption: 2018-05-15; Registration: 144E/Lbd L; Comments: DXU165b 6YG1 144G/WnjH vxq vny XWY ycynq qjygvfjn Gmq 19. DH(X&C)/Xyqy. Ohm X3/X-. Nyny D+500 yqny yy myq (0% cnjjq), cxxyn +487.5;
Riaya aaq Lwaqwa Ljq, Ycff Awwa Awfquw 4 Ljq, Ycff Awwa Awfquw 5 Ljq, Ycff Awwa Awfquw 6 Ljq, Ycff Awwa Awfquw 7 Ljq, Rcaiafwqqa Awjafk Ljq
GQE360.0004Jan-96Wr. WkfwrkaD3Q--Jwvavejv3rZ-3oN+7507503vD+750-61.40000
ODQ943.0006Jan-08Pz. PtpoztmR3U--NmnlfR-8.50% m7178.50%-674.00000
Tranche Comments
7 pp: Redemption: 2019-05-15; Registration: 144P/Toq I; Comments: XQE260y(zpnyvqd zzsy XQE260y) 7ML3 zyd. Qyzd/XC(Q&D). Q3/Q-. Jsuusjn znesj. Luns 7ML1 JXM zsz jsjyu XQE360y. Xyun 8.5% yzqy, jup 8.5% zsz 290y. m Q+717up; 7 yi: Redemption: 2017-05-15; Registration: 144J/Lhh G; Comments: KEI100z(jnegmsd qfuz 90z) 7MG1 epf esejfsd WGM. Ezfe/KV(E&F). E3/E-. Wuoouge feuug. Hoeu 7MG3 qxd quf dudzo KEI360z dszo. Czon Y+750 @ 98.5 zfsz, drn gp ogps quf 100z;


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