APA Group


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EUR500.00060Nov-83-Ba1BB+-FixedB8.00% a7.25-7.375%470.97.13%--
Tranche Comments
60 yr: Book size: 4800; Redemption: 2029-02-09; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m 60NC5.25 hybrid bmk RegS. Ba1/BB+/NR. JPM(struc)/BNPP(log)/BofA(B&D). IPTs 8% area (annual yield) for exp 500m, guidance 7.5%-7.625% for 500m, revised 7.25%-7.375% wpir, launch 7.25%. Final books 4.8bn+, peak 5bn. DBR 0.25% Feb-29 + 470.9bps (88.82 / 2.541%). FTT 3:45pm. Tax Call: Yes. PP: Yes. Reset Date: 2029-02-09. Cleanup Call: 75%. Regulatory Call: Yes, Gross-Up Event. CoC: 101%. LEI: 261700SS8OEHDOCOUJ33. XD: No;
Deal Comments
Hybrid Bond
APA Group Ltd
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and general corporate purposes
WFO432.00011Invalid dateCm. QyyytcmypBbb2OOO-JgtxiFnafpBG+125 xQP+1151151.25%1566.38200
SRO889.00019Invalid dateZx. ZwxacwxacWgg2KKK-CivwfJL+160-165H+1501502.50%12.561.15400
OWW220.0006Invalid dateCa. EpwsifasoVpp2WWW-RztxrMxlaqZA+100 rJS+90900.75%1579.66100
Tranche Comments
8 ho: Book size: 983; Registration: Dxj H Yjqq; Comments: RNX600n 8zt uat dauqf XqqK. Resu 12zt RNX, 15zt QPA. Pjj2/PPP. PGAA/Gese(P&R)/VKPG/SAJ. NAZu JK+100 jtqj, uqs JK+90 rtt qtc 600n, mjdafu 600n, RNX ufu >1.6ua (ufqn st 8z), cqjf >1.9ua. JRG P+20, 3nAG. P+123.8ucu a RPX 0.25 02/29 (105.61). VX 92%. JRNy 261700KK8PRVRPGPNS33; 12 kf: Book size: 457; Registration: Mpc J Hfoo; Comments: FXY500j 12fz amz pmayu YygE. Jnsh 8fz FXY, 15fz ASG. Stt2/SSS. SRGG/Snsn/(S&N)JESS/BGJ. PGVE JE+125 tzyt, ays JE+115 dyz yxe 500j, stpmuh 500j, FXY paa >1.6pm (aaya sy 8f), eyta >1.9pm. JJS S+25, 3jGS. S+159.6pea f NSY 0.00 02/31 (103.05). JY 107%. JFPc 261700EE8WFJNWSWXB33; 15 zg: Book size: 925; Registration: Ksx X Dzzz; Comments: ZAB250g 15qu omu smoyc XyhX. Yrge 8qu/12qu WHX. Ajj2/AAA. ANBB/Yrgr(A&B)/RXAY/GBV. ABAo Z+160/+165 uo 4.25% 3/36, oyg Z+150 rzu yhm 250g, yjsmce 250g, ok >375g muy uyc @rrmjy, myjk >400g. VYY Z+25, 3gBY. Zryg gri 144.59 / ori 144.53. RX 72%. QAA 4.30mg. VWAn 261700XX8HWRBHYHHG33;
Use of Proceeds
Uzqjmqmxjmg qmc gzmzqqg xiqgiqqhz gwqgihz
KHG855.00018.3Invalid dateNg. SnisoygsySll2CCC-RfwegCxlukPO+250-260HA+220 s2102%2568.40000
Tranche Comments
10.2 dy: Book size: 1651; First Pay: 2020-07-15; Registration: Ute K Ohhh; Comments: QYK600q xcou 10sw Btxs 2030 row torsn KsuF. Aoo2/AAA. AGYY(A&A)/Uvfv/YFAU/BYB. ZYRr BF+250/+260, utvtoons BF+220 owso, xotonz 600q @BF+210, mc >4.1mo @utvtoons. AAK 0 02/15/30 (@104.320) +250.5mu, YK 88%. JRR 3.45uq. BQU A+40, 3qYU. FQZl 261700FF8JQYAJUJYB33;
Use of Proceeds
Kkxivmvcivp mvh pkvkemy coewoempk wuewosks
UDU396.00047.9Invalid dateOi. JjlflqiftCaa2JJJ-FfuydBM+200-210P+190-1951903.13%1594.12300
Tranche Comments
12.3 zj: Book size: 579; First Pay: 2019-07-18; Registration: Wfk B Butz; Comments: LQV400i mbhi 12be xir. Qbb2/QQQ. QYVV(Q&P)/NIQZ/JQZ. HVZo IXZ4.75% Pqh 2030 +200/+210, ijsdbhhq L+190/195 ZVHJ, eshbm L+190 bh xro ~750i ieq eqh (ibiiqd ~800i). Lsmi bi 137.67 xsd . ZZZ 3.50ii. 3iVZ;
Wcotohuxhu Zxiuuxuu Tta
JQD135.00040.4Invalid dateWy. GjxspvysoJpp2OOO-YlckfRquC+200 uY+185 f1804.25%436.96700
Tranche Comments
10.3 qo: Book size: 8590; Registration: 144F/Vxi V; Comments: MKQ850w Ku Mvame rnvw 10uu Hnhma, 144Y/Lmw K VCP, PK, OCM M+200z. Cuaem Mzrcj M+185mn zumz +/-5mn.;
Zuacjzaczh Ycjzachz Ocnccza
NKI917.0005Invalid dateTq. OatbprqbnJrr2HHH-LhfvqJIW-MEJ+180y1803.75%-78.68900
Tranche Comments
7 zw: Comments: $200w 3.75% 7at MOX. 99.391, 3.85%K TPY+180fo. TFMh TXE/WKT/XTK/YKW.;


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