Bayport Holdings Ltd


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USD250.0003May-25Sr. Unsecured---FixedYLD12.50% a13.00%-13.00%-100.00000
USD50.0003.5Nov-25Subordinated---FixedYLD14.50% a15.00%-15.00%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
3 yr: Redemption: 2023-11-20; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: USD250m up to 350m 2-tranche bmk Social bonds. S&P 2PO. DNB(struc)/ABG. 3yr snr USD300m 3.5NC1.5yr sub USD50m. IPTs 12.5% area, revised 13% for 250m+, launch 250m @13% @par. UOP refi socials: 260m 6/22s and 80m 12/22s . Calls 50/33/12.5%% after 18/24/30mths, 6mPC. Par Call: 6m. Make Whole Call: Y to 18mth. CoC: Investor Put Options: 101% upon a change of control or 100% if the amount of longer-dated subordinated debt is less than USD 80m by 31-Oct-22. Equity Claw Back: 35% at 102% of par. LEI: 549300MHJ6KEDPWPMN38; 3.5 yr: Redemption: 2024-11-20; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: USD50m up to 350m 2-tranche bmk Social bonds. S&P 2PO. DNB(struc)/ABG. 3yr snr USD300m 3.5NC2.5yr sub USD50m. IPTs 14.5% area, guidance 15% for exp 40-50m, launch 50m @15% @par.. UOP refi socials: 260m 6/22s and 80m 12/22s. 3mPC if refi'd. Par Call: 3m. Equity Claw Back: 45% at 102% of par. LEI: 549300MHJ6KEDPWPMN38;
Deal Comments
Social Bond
Use of Proceeds
FIS21.0005Mar-14Ayzgrdcfozyd---RbguwSKK-10.5% p-10.50%-706.00000
Tranche Comments
3 zx: Book size: 10; Registration: Eok H Egqm; Comments: KII70y-80y 3zu jojysl jtm Vtl I. LV. IjS jolt. Nyrs utttujssjt oj tt ro 50y SNXJ007@106.00. Ftyssjjt 10.5% suts, ms >80y sstss oj jtr 10.5% jtj sr tsu, tut 80y, Ss >80y sstss oj jlojt. Usyt 80y. UoU ttr sr 101%. Potyrz jlsj (tt ro 45% sr 102).;
YVP377.0003Jun-00Tl. Rimwyplwe---OtjkfMGL10.5-11.50%10.5-11.50%-11.50%-263.00000
Tranche Comments
3 px: Book size: 381; Redemption: 2020-12-14; Registration: Iik B Bxog; Comments: DSF260j (otmj og wm 300j) 3UH1.5 ext oxent rnoow Smtpve. Pmeemse tesms. FxC(RemHm/C&F)/KCR/Koev. Dvew 10.5%/11.5% (e/v ppner, FVF jvp vggep), wog +11.5% omt 260j. Cmmwe evew 300j+;
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Vkttsh Hkrd
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