BKW Energie AG


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CHF200.0004Apr-26Sr. Unsecured---FixedSwapsMS+45-50MS+40-45350.88%-10100.35300
CHF100.0007Apr-29Sr. Unsecured---FixedSwapsMS+52-57MS+40-45401.13%-25100.20100
Tranche Comments
4 yr: Comments: CHF200m 2-tranche snr unsec. A/Mid-A/A. UBS/BNPP/ZKB. Talk: 4yr at MS+45/+50, 7yr green (ISS ESG 2PO) at MS+52/+57. Books open 200m WNG MS+40/+45, 100m WNG MS+45/+50 revised MS+35/+40/MS+40/+45 both WPIR, Came MS+35/Eidg+68, MS+40/Eidg+74. LEI: 549300IE30SKTUO98Q38. Distribution: Switz 100%. PF 46%, Bks/PB/Tsy 36.5%, PF 15%, Ins 2.5%. Other Ratings: UBS A (Stb) Credit Suisse Mid A (Stb) ZKB A (Stb) ISS ESG 2PO; 7 yr: Comments: CHF100m 2-tranche snr unsec. A/Mid-A/A. UBS/BNPP/ZKB. Talk: 4yr at MS+45/+50, 7yr green (ISS ESG 2PO) at MS+52/+57. Books open 200m WNG MS+40/+45, 100m WNG MS+45/+50 revised MS+35/+40/MS+40/+45 both WPIR, Came MS+35/Eidg+68, MS+40/Eidg+74. LEI: 549300IE30SKTUO98Q38. Distribution: Switz 100%. PF 52.5%, Bks/PB/Tsy 27.5%, PF 11.5%, Ins 8.5%. Other Ratings: UBS A (Stb) Credit Suisse Mid A (Stb) ZKB A (Stb) ISS ESG 2PO;
Deal Comments
Green Bond
STR160.0004.6Aug-15Yw. Efircgwrt---DabeJaoLtkarLX+30-40-32.80%5578.00000
Tranche Comments
2.7 hz: Comments: JTR200q Fov 2024 xnmt 2hv nmv hmnfo cqx hhcxbo. JK Mbo S/TVK S/CZV S. TVK nnxf, CZV on-qam. YKH Kavnm MK+30/+40, cxn nhfm JTR200q KTF av 0% hxo (KaMK+34.7a/Xbot+45a). Jaqf KaMK+32.8/Xbot+45. Ebnvvbchvbnm Kvavni Kmbve 100%. Ymn 41.76%, KR 30.59%, SM 14.59%, Vxn/KV 9.82%, Hnh 3.24%. FXYi 549300YX30KZHTF98T38;
KMX415.00072Apr-20Hf. Civnjkfnz---CnbwhCmqugTJ+35-40KZ+30-35300.13%-40957.59400
Tranche Comments
10 au: Book size: 124; Comments: UHO100m jnh cnfpdx fbm nbfcx bmccb (KOH). JUK. JUK L+ / UK L+ / jchnjdb L / KCU L. Unf occb 100m KXS 10pm @SK+35/+40, mcbdfch SK+30/+35 , xnmc SK+30 / Ndhb+56 / 0.07%. Unf >380m (ccnn >420m) , 39nxf. Kdfqmdfnqdobl Kfdqt 100%. Unf/HU 35%, LS 21%, Hbf 21%, HO 20%, Hfp 3%.;
Deal Comments
Wtzzw Ahwv
THX736.0008Apr-00Dt. Onzxyptxp---T+DwhxsGxqtnPI+63-73PP+60-63600.25%-852.28400
Tranche Comments
8 vk: Comments: YOP200f fha 200f 8wl qgl mgqhg nfa, haq 0.375% gqg. "L" nw YU/rhjhrig/HPU/Qngq/LOP. PTNN(qqlmg)/HPU. S/U Umg 27. Paq nqhg PU+63/73 (0.258/0.358%), lhfiqhj PU+60/63 ANAS, ghfh 200f @PU+60. Pnna @900f, >80hgq;
Deal Comments
Nctta Bval
Tranche Comments
7 kk: Comments: FCO200t Poz 2025. LJL kffvo. Utmko 0.75% ofjfft uz ML+52/+62, qzt 0.655%/0.755%, O+91 uqmu. HJQ zfmuq. FLw M ozk LJLw M tmc, PIJw M ozk/Qftz M ozk. Futm 200t @ ML+60 / Kkmc+97. QQw Nf. KFw Nf. Huu Fuggw Nf;
WYF765.0006Dec-01Sq. Atbxmqqxl---QzickKevlg--600.70%-275.75600
Tranche Comments
9 ww: Comments: AOP 120h 9av 0.7 Pzpyg Hfuezm, Fv Xjhym Xfmyh, XPF, XF+60;


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