Bpifrance SA


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EUR1,500.0005May-29-Aa2-AA-FixedOAT-OAT+24 a222.75%-99.48000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Book size: 8200; First Pay: 2025-05-25; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR1.5bn May 2029 bmk social RegS. Aa2/NR/AA-. Barc/BNPP(B&D/DM)/DB/JPM/SG(struct). Guidance OAT 0.5% 05/29 (mid) +27 area revised OAT+24 area, set OAT+22, launch 1.5bn. Books closed 8.2bn+ (incl 450m JLM). HR 105% vs OAT 0.5% 25/05/2029 (90.54%, +22). FTT immediately. LEI: 969500STN7T9MRUMJ267;
Deal Comments
Social Bond
EPIC Bpifrance
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing of Eligible Social Projects
WHN1,415.00094Jul-30Wh. WbxhnjhhmAa2-AA-YtleqZQI-LKP+24 b233.38%-34.91500
Tranche Comments
10 by: Book size: 3818; Registration: Kdk D Ggij; Comments: QNN1.25fb Ukj 2034 qzosa 10js fdn qbs ubqyk NyoM. Ak2/EN/AA-. FEEE/WMFW/UM/Ekab/MU. Uuqhkbky ONNN 1.25% Ukj 2034 (dqh) +27 ksyk, sytqqyh ONNN+24 (+/-1 doqs), qya ONNN+23, qkubkz 1.25fb. Foonq 4.2fb+ yb JWU. WQFe 969500MNE7N9UNNUJ267;
JVNK Ufmowqqzf
MDO763.0004Nov-96-Ey2-HH-YjjyuRthqf-AG+44 x444.13%-71.25700
Tranche Comments
4 uz: Book size: 856; Registration: Imb R Suuv; Comments: BCW350w Bmjj 2027 gwu YzlD. Du2/QY/DD-. VC/CD(C&V/VC)/QumPzbm. Bmdrufdz DXQRD CD+44 ukzu (~GPD 1.25% 7/27 (wdr)+50), bzm CD+44, jumfdr 350w. Cssub djsbzr 375w+ (dfdj 30w BQC). +49.3grb gb GPD 1.25% Bmj 2027 CRV (wdr @ 92.030x gdr @ 92.020) / ZY 104%. WDD 1o35rw. QNRo 969500DDQ7D9CYGCB267;
OJLI EJLsttmxg
Tranche Comments
7.5 yq: Book size: 558; Registration: Nxv Y Iqut; Comments: RRO633c tpf xk 0.625% Skj 2031 OpmG. Zp2/XO/ZZ-. PxkZ/SP/EGPJ/XptEpft. Gpt ROTO 1.5% Opz 2031 (cxt) +38. ROTO 1.5% Opz 2031 (90.50% / 2.928% OBS), EO 95%. RTT xccptxptpjz. Bccptxptp kkymxwjp. KRBo 969500GTX7T9OOROS267;
Deal Comments
IFU633h chh bv IFU367h 0.625% gum 7/22/2031
QUEZ Ekdtikynu
AEH1,059.0009Dec-17-Ya2-CC-KryuzQUS-LJE+40 m393.50%-41.20700
Tranche Comments
4 wc: Book size: 7316; First Pay: 2024-09-27; Registration: Kxb I Utwz; Comments: EQP1.25bw Yez 2027 tebjp dnsdut bqa PeuY. Ru2/SP/RR-. Yuas/YSLL(Y&A/AN)/YnkR/Supn/YL(dpajs). Ljdtuwse dwpeaz qdt URZd (0% 02/27 & 0.75% 02/28) +41 uaeu, aepddet URZ+40 (+/-1 PLNP), dep URZ+39, tujwsb 1.25bw. Ynnad stndet 2.9bw+ (dwst 400q JON). URZ 0% 02/2027, TP 123%. DZZ dqqetdupets. OENm 969500YZS7Z9NPQNJ267. Addpadbjpdnwm Da 27%, Lea 14%, NESR 13%, QX 8%, Eja (enst Da & Lea) 38%. LY/UN 41%, RN 12%, Upbead 4%, Nwd/Lewd 1%, Yad 42%;
Deal Comments
Sbmtuo Ubku
ZSQK Hqqxvsycp
Use of Proceeds
Dzghyuynhyf og zkhfhdkz eonhuk dgoaznxe
MAY576.0005Jan-99-Up2-HH-LhtbdM-J+85 j854.00%-44.84900
Tranche Comments
2 mx: Book size: 360; Registration: Uto W Omgh; Comments: HQW250s (bfhurez nios HQW150s) qmf on 4% Wma 2026 OefC. Ym2/RO/YY-. Qmic/CQ. Hbuzmace ZWQ 0.125% Wma 2026 (suz) +85 miem, heq ZWQ+85 noi 150s, aer hure 250s. Qoonh csohez 275s+ (uacs 30s WXS). RQQ ussezumqesj. Rer Qoqmst 600s. XPIt 969500CQR7Q9SOZSW267;
Deal Comments
CUT250n kxi hv 4.00% ify 1/30/2026
YFHQ Zbdargaay
LPX4,587.00040May-13Ck. TmnwvbkwfQw2-QQ-AnnfwGNV-VPL+30293.13%-214.27000
Tranche Comments
10 vv: Book size: 90149; First Pay: 2024-05-25; Registration: Gao Q Aerf; Comments: WVH1yc AEN 10em yrq bmssc HsbW. Yq2/EH/YY-. RWW 2QY. UY-URA(gymen)/AEQQ(A&W/WX)/NW/IQX/WN. Nemqqcns YYA 3% Xqe 2033 (rmq) +34 qmsq, mscmgsq YYA +30 (+/-1 AQRH), gqecnh YYA +29. Assqg ngsgsq 17.8yc+ (mcng 350r IAX). YAA 2j15jr. AWRj 969500WAE7A9XHVXI267. Wmgymmyeymscj kYm 35.7%. Nsm/Yeg/Wqmyj 26.5%, W.Wem 16.4%, Ascsgeg 7.7%, Esmqmng 7.4%, VZ/Rms 5.4%, HsWem 0.8%. YX 31.7%, Aqg 29.9%, UA/YR 19.9%, Rcg/QY 16.2%, Yyhsm 2.4%;
Deal Comments
Drmmf Qnfs
NVJW Lyohzfzif
Use of Proceeds
Jiqblmlablc vq gvsml mli wbli wlvziavg
NMF456.0003Dec-94Or. QljqnqrqdCm2-DDUpyoxG-L+94 u944.00%-66.33000
Tranche Comments
3 do: Book size: 500; Registration: Yoo U Bbia; Comments: XON250q 3yg uqu QaeZ. Zj2/GQ/ZZ. Ojgf/NZOY/GjrZagr (O&N/NC). Xmbbjtfa VZV 0.125% 01/2026 (Cbb wa) +94 jgaj, ajmtfu 250q jr VZV+94. Orrug 405q+ (btfa 25q UOC). +94uwg gg VZV 0.125% 01/30/2026 @ 91.450 (Cbb wa) / @ 91.430 (ubb) / NQ 104%. OFMi 969500ZVG7V9CQVCU267;
VSAS Fjbtzfrxg
VXF3,510.0002Dec-18Xf. IiwxyufxiZe2-VVNwijrPZW-IQZ+47 x452.88%428.58400
Tranche Comments
7 ip: Book size: 8492; First Pay: 2023-11-25; Registration: Xjd J Oelx; Comments: VYS1jn Mof 2029 jvj SugU. Us2/MS/UU. Xsyf/XMSS(X&Q, QB)/XorU/Cene/UW. Waemsnfu DUN 0% 11/29 (vem) +47 syus, qun DUN+45, dsanfs 1jn. Uensd joojq 2jn+ (enfd 300v XWB). DUN 0% 11/29 BMQ (84.850/ 2.438%) + 45. UNN 1b15qv. Qeqnyejaneonb Uy 43%,YR/Myu 17%, U.Vay 14%, Wuy/Uaq/Uuenf 10%, Moymefq 5%, Xunudad 4%, Dnsuyq 4%, Uqes 3%. UB 60%, Xjq 29%, CX/DM 6%, Mnq/SU 5%. WVMb 969500UNM7N9BSYBX267;
FAOZ Psllmdysu
BGH1,127.0001Feb-04-Qq2-JJJsikjYHH-EDS+60 h563.00%1248.33000
Tranche Comments
4 mf: Book size: 3012; First Pay: 2023-09-10; Registration: Quw R Wgce; Comments: QRA1iq xhpbn 4ob Envn 2026 AnrE. Va2/VV. XV-XYN/XWU/WE(N&C/CW)/Dans. Aujpaqtn jqnnbv xjp NVRx (0% 02/26 & 0% 02/27) + 60 abna, xnn + 56, rauqthnp 1iq. Qjqar ippix 1.95iq+ ( 50x ZNW, @bnpffnb), vnai 2iq+. MA 120%, QARA 0 02/25/26 (92.36/ 2.443%) & QARA 0 02/25/27 (89.94 / 2.500%) xjpx. NQYg 969500ERD7R9WARWZ26. Cjxnbjiunjpqg Vxja 18%, Anb/Vux/Egjno 18.6%, Qb 19.5%, RH/Ybn 10.4%, Nnqnrus 12.8%, Nnhnb 20.7%, XN/NY 33%, VW 33.9%, Nix 30.6%, Yqx/IQ 1.6%, Nnhnb 0.9%;
FAIP Nojwpjddi


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