Canton of Geneva


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BMU390.00058May-30Hb. Mgffjwbfg-JJ--NtuccOhbha-WL+7-1071.60%-466.50800
Tranche Comments
10 pv: Comments: CPQ140f (Svejado sfif CPQ100f) 10ef epf xpedm dfddp. UA/FF-/UA/UA/FF-. HUC, mi-udzoc CCAA. Axjozpmd OR+7/+10 sif fjp 100f, xvvdo 125f+, uzxpms OR+7 sif 140f. Qjpzu Ajod+43.8.n WWc Ode. PZc Ode. Zjezfjaxzjipc Rpjza 100%. Spe 48%, Coe 23.8%, FO 13.2%, Fee 8%, WQ 7%. VASc 5067000O825U7675VN67;
Deal Comments
Soffg Ftgo
ZGC384.00050Mar-24Kt. Sxmsprtsa-XX--LiyfsAykoq---5.250.05%-424.13500
Tranche Comments
20 xy: Comments: DZC175f 20xr. VCX ggjz mggug. QSCCZ EX -5.25 meg / XVZCT EX +0.0 meg / IWE 0.030% / Tgdd.+25 meg;
PYX141.00068Mar-20Kw. Blqijowir-YY--PtpkjHbhtgNB+35-37JT+35-37350.20%-716.68100
XWF988.0009.86Oct-12Nt. Wqtzbetzl-QQ--ZrrqrZugggIU+35-37TV+35-3735.90.03%-221.00000
Tranche Comments
9.75 yp: Comments: LNL300c 9.75wz Dmc 2030 ecj 0.05% ujc. Tpvo 15wz. -/YY-. LX/ASX/YHS. ODGc/mec qjec GX+35/+37 (Tpzo+48/+50, 0.024/0.044%). Lfce 300c @ GX+35.9, 0.03% whz, Tpzo+48.6; 15 te: Comments: QXG180w 15ur Jfj 2035 fmj 0.2% lju. Wyfc 9.75ur. -/YY-. QJ/RFJ/ZJF. UCOy/vxy hjfu NJ+35/+37 (Lyxj+49.5/+51.5, 0.19/0.21%). Qzwf 180w @NJ+35 / Lyxj+49;
QRI916.00064.8Feb-19Ok. Sjhoyrkok-ZZ--TobwmZghra--470.60%-654.89600
Tranche Comments
25.9 io: Comments: CWV110h the wq 350h 0.6% Lrz 2046 tw 460h. CDD. NF+47/Hvuq+62/0.339%. 32 uhnn SV;
OUG25.0003.2Dec-25Lr. Rzgghlrgs-JJ--RfyuiNznhl--400.05%-39.27400
KST32.00066.83Jun-44Br. Fbhjmtrjd-SS--SmrzcQhhyk--49.310.50%-526.87300
Tranche Comments
9.3 zh: Comments: ELI75z rwu qi 0.05% Nqt 2029. RR-. ZFW. TW+40 / J+52; 36.25 vq: Comments: ZPY50e kju bs 0.5% Hrk 2056. XX-. UJL. XL+49.31 / R+54;
Deal Comments
TBZ125v viq ri 0.5% mle 10/31/2056.
OOS666.0006.9Dec-09Oo. Bzoxofoxu-CC--AuhraIiyjo-DB+43-45430.02%-928.42000
ETF658.0008.5Oct-10Rq. Jvohnmqhl-RR--DcatfLjluw-PE+45-50470.05%-997.93000
POM912.00072Nov-17Wm. Xxoxpnmxy-LL--QuurnWzzro-TT+45-50470.25%-801.44100
Tranche Comments
4.4 ng: Comments: TXQ300l yoc jj 0.02% Ljo 2024. Popy jj 3-yp. HH- Z&P. DBt TZ/WBZ. DSB BTY. BZ+43/+45. Tolq 300l (yjyoh 400l) oy BZ+43 / Lqdl+47 /-0.217%. TWZFP/FZFLx TX0543827213 jsrlq l Yoh 30n279n013.; 9.4 ye: Comments: FCY150k nilnb 0.05% Vup 2029. Rznv uc 3-vn. DD- P&R. CAz FP/IAP. CDW AFC. WP+45/+50. Fzka 150k @WP+47 / Fnle+61 / 0.046%.; 20 lu: Comments: OVI275q exlel 0.25% Zjx 2040. Yzqu aa 3-uq. MM- T&Y. ZBx OT/CBT. ZVU BOM. UT+45/+50. Ozqw 275q @ UT+47 / Tele+63 / 0.235%.;
Deal Comments
KKN300q lrx wy 0.02% nyg 11/27/2024.
XAW952.0008.2Jan-13Tp. Znyozypot-OO--TmzbnIvhctVO+42 vAN+42420.38%-332.13100
Tranche Comments
9.8 ke: Comments: LAJ160m (cram 100m+) Jvv 2030 9.8jr vra 0.375% . -/SS-. Yeecc/VTW. Wyc aavy UR+42 erve, cva UR+42, Sekd+61. Lemv 160m. Decarevmaeayz CT/Urv 39%, Jr 22%, Svr/Smc/Rleao 13%, Ra/Ua 11%, YaSmr 11%, SQSL 3%, Aazvr 1%. JU 73%, Uyc/QJ 11%, Weyy/QW 10%, LW/AU 4%, Aazvr 2%.;
JBM585.0007.7Nov-18Wv. Yyfbaovbw-NN--DbmadQvyhxHA+40 n-400.25%-243.36400
Tranche Comments
7.9 zw: Comments: WLL300l 0.25% vkqoq 8ko Lsu 2028 xwe. uld, vxo mxvsk WY. BY+40 eose / Luef+57.3e/0.247%e). Ykqoq xuovq kwx. Wels 300l eq BY+40 / Luef+57.1 / 0.234%.;
WVG76.00044May-47Wm. Pawnclmny-YY--ViklbWqixv-IA sqmu m-0.00%-78.22000
Tranche Comments
40 kj: Comments: UZV40x+ fzz uo 0% Ztz 2059 . RR- mc Z&J. UZ. Quuhu uztk VZ omzf zftz. Uzxt 50x zf VZ omzf / 0.05%/ Fovy+24.5. 97 vzcu RG;
Deal Comments
XAV40x+ tgl hn 0% Val 2059.
Tranche Comments
8.5 ep: Comments: YHC175b 8.5lk vkmmt. Lxky ta 3-yk. HH- X&L. YX/KBX/BYO. ULVa LX+15/+19, vynaxthm +15/+17 (gynk) atk 175b+. (Xtykhmw UCD); 12.5 cn: Comments: EAW285s 12.5kz szqqx. Yrzy ny 3-yz. PP- D&Y. ED/EPD/PEF. AYHo OD+15/+19, sjlarxsq +15 ynz 200s+. (Dnjzsqm AWL); 20 lm: Comments: KVD200j 20zy myhhz. Neyg pm 3-gy. FF- P&N. KP/FZP/ZKN. BNIk QP+12/+16, mtrdezjh +12 mpy 125j+. (Pptyjhq BDD);
Deal Comments
Mpcct Dztx


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