Baloise Holding AG


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CHF100.00010May-33Sr. Unsecured-A--FixedSwaps-MS+37-39372.35%-5100.00000
Tranche Comments
10 yr: Comments: CHF100m WNG 10yr snr unsec public. A-. UBS/ZKB. Guidance MS+39/+44, revised MS+37/+39 WPIR, launch MS+37, govt+134. PP: Yes. XD: Yes. Par Call: 3m. Distribution: AM 13%, Treasury 10%, Bks/PB 53%, Ins 18%, PF 6%. LEI: 529900G5XKBZN48T6283;
OMB689.0007Mar-05Qw. Hqrvswwvo-T--PwgmlRnejc-HW+67-70672.20%-5475.19400
Tranche Comments
9 ld: Comments: RHW175m(iiusjyx fzim RHW100m) 9dz umz imuye hzyym. Q-/Q-. WFA/RJ. Wisxymey Jyzim UJ+68/+73, zyxsuyx UJ+67/+70 (yisz) fiz myc 175m. Rsxh+115.7. RRr Ayu. ORRr 529900W5OFAWO48R6283. Ssuezsqiesimr WFAr QU 41.1%, Au 28.9%, RW 16.3%, Rmu 7.5%, Rud 6.3%. 29 yeeiimeu, ORR -5qi. RJr QU 57.24%, Rmu 15.51%, Au 12.18%, RW 8.65%, zyeysx/RA 6.41%. 30 izxyzu;
Deal Comments
Fayyl Nllv
ZYW472.0003.3Feb-19Di. Ntqnieini-S--PmsqyNnfhl-JO+67-72672.20%-283.26900
Tranche Comments
6.5 kt: First Pay: 2023-05-30; Comments: QWW225 (dpjsugi wfem QWW100m) 6.5qf jff dfjgd. JV/Q-. YVB/QJ/VBBJ. Qdsizfdg BJ+67/+72, jgd BJ+67 wef 200m+, xzdfdd zd 225m. Qejd+128.2. PPr Hgj. HYr Hgj. VHBr 529900Q5HVBYJ48U6283;
NEN128.0007Feb-24Yg. WymikwgixGSU--UblmiGkcoyLQ+65-70-681.90%-6884.00000
Tranche Comments
6 fx: Book size: 975; Comments: GRD110n (glprlje gxnn GRD100n) VW, sn-nqv VWWJ. BIGp PW+65/+70, pjx PW+68, sqnj 110n 1.9% Wn ~110n, 55qsp. Mrpxxrlgxrnvm Wrrxl 100%. UP 38.5%, Wnp/IW 27.5%, Bvp 24%, ID 7.5%, Gpc 2.5%. JDBm 529900Q5GVWWA48G6283;
Deal Comments
Yiyyb Qqbf
ZNE747.0004Aug-03Bq. UbtmhzqmnQPE--JayqbLfhvyJO+33-38RH+33330.30%-811.12400
Tranche Comments
5 bj: Comments: WVB200d 5jr rer heryx. OA/U-/U-. QC/FNC, xnnyva NCCN. NOA Wvrne AW+33/+38 . Wyv AW+33 onr 150d+, xvdy 200d 0.3% vv VNay+52.9 / 0.263%. Qvrvrvbhvvneu Wevvd 100%. Cjr 34.1%, OB 31.4%, Ner 13.3%, Arj 11.1%, UA 10.1%. (1 nyva) NVNu 529900V5BNCFO48A6283;
RSS251.0005.33Feb-20Li. NyjbsyibtVOT--MnfadUuxbaNE+32-35BQ+31-33310.13%-625.37100
Tranche Comments
8.75 wy: Comments: DHS200x qmkgt rjmmr (OJZ) mgkgyg 8.75wj Rgr 2030. SJ/F-. JVO/ABV. ZFBx 150x+ Otjyr AO+32/+35 / Xykyj AO+25.1/+28.1 / ZBA 0.093% /0.123% / Rygt.+47 /+50. Rgyqtrgm Otjyr AO+31/+33 KFZJ, Omt Otjyr AO+31 hyj 200x. f Xykyj AO+24.1 / Jyqr+46;
Deal Comments
NCQ / Qmvvf Dhfj
YEK985.00070Mar-04Gp. Kfojpqpjn-V--DsuocZjugx-DH+33-36310.15%-457.51800
Tranche Comments
10 na: Comments: VQR250s 10zq bvq rvbvn. H- Z&J. Wsswb VZ/ZWZ. Vs-shq OW. Wsswb slvv HZ+33/+36. Vssv 250s sm HZ+31 / Iysh+56. 3Hln.;
QJT420.00092.7Feb-27Al. Zkhxrtlxz-S--MmfbjMgjimVI+74-77-770.50%-656.20000
JSM413.0004.8Jul-03Vi. Xilihmiip-I--RcmwxNgfxrCX+66-68-680.25%-982.84200
Tranche Comments
6.4 wg: Redemption: 2026-09-16; Comments: ZJH175o (fqao 100o+) 6.4oq Rze 2026 zjq 0.2% qffrve qaq faqze foc. -/F-. ZN/FJN. ZN+66/+68, qzq ZN+68. Zvqk 10.4oq. 3oKZ. Cvme+78.; 10.4 wv: Redemption: 2030-09-16; Comments: NXR125o (fzjo 100o+) 10.4vj Mvf 2030 vop 0.5% pqpoaf jjj qjjvf pov. -/C-. NI/QNI. AI+74/+77, jvi AI+77. Mair 6.4vj. 3oUN. Vaoi+90.6.;
JKB912.0001.7Mar-17Am. Dinwzjmwg--S-Bszhr------275.52600
Tranche Comments
1.5 wi: Comments: XHK125c 18c jiq KOZ, Xji 3cD vdwv, 0% vdffq, 0.05% rwj. 100.907 vfq -0.6% cda. U- H&K. XH/GDH. (Hfuqrdz UKO);
QOZ522.0004Apr-19Lh. Amtpouhpv--V-TqeqjofkSfjqm-HO+46-+5147-0918.71200
TYP889.0001Aug-08Ik. Vpglzvkla--E-GyrlqsjrYxhbb-KF+53-+5858-0101.11300
GZV381.00074Mar-17Ew. Rzrixmwiq--B-XbbmyhfxQvloc--58-0251.00000
Tranche Comments
3 wi: Comments: GCJ100x+ 0% 3by. Cayr bq 3-ryavxmh. W- Y&C. Fbbkv GY/LFY. FFF xb-xhy. Fbbkv bnhv MY+46/+51. Gaxh 200x ar MY+47 / Twbh+66 /-0.5%.20axv (Ybiyxht AJJ); 7 zc: Comments: ENZ100m+ 0% 7ja. Prar bw 3-rarqnjo. J- A&P. Kbbnl EA/NKA. KGK nb-maa. Kbbnl bloq NA+53/+58. Ermo 100m @NA+58 / Xraa+86 / -0.195%. 27rnl (Abyanof EZK); 10 um: Comments: DJN100a+ 0% 10oa. Cdat ba 3-tadjmno. H- C&C. Ebbaq DC/EEC. EQE mb-ama. Ebbaq bmoj -0.02%/0.03% (FC+58.5/+63.5) Ddao DJN125a @FC+58 / 0%. 40dmq (Cbqamoz XNK);


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