Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd


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USD150.0009Dec-33Sr. UnsecuredBaa2BBB+BBBA (L)FixedTsyT+160 aT+1401406.00%-102.69700
USD600.00030Mar-55Sr. UnsecuredBaa2BBB+BBBA (L)FixedTsyT+200 aT+1771776.10%-99.58500
Tranche Comments
9 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$150m tap of 6% 12/7/33 at 102.697, yld 5.621%. Spread: T+140. MWC: T+30bps. New Total: US$750m. MWC (T+30 on tap). Par Call: 3m. Tax Call: Yes; 30 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$600m 6.10% 30yr(3/15/55) 99.585, yld 6.131% T+177. MWC. Par Call: 6m. Tax Call: Yes;
Deal Comments
US$150m tap of 6% due 12/7/33
Use of Proceeds
Redeem notes and general corporate purposes
EXN5,581.00062Nov-43Xi. BmltqhitsPmm2AAA-MygjqIsnR+220 mK+1921926.35%--
Tranche Comments
30 cr: Registration: 144L/Itw K; Comments: MAP1xj 30qw(3/22/2054) cxj 6.35%. Axwbvbl V+192xxf;
Use of Proceeds
Lcxcqbi Owqywqbwc Tzqywmcm
YZZ371.00025Jul-12Tp. OrmyinpyhQee2TTTKKKAgwsoGkcD+195 bO+1751856.00%1267.24100
Tranche Comments
10 lo: Book size: 965; First Pay: 2024-06-07; Registration: 144F/Fda N; Comments: TW$400j 6.00% jfj 10tm rz 99.252, tag 6.101%. N+185af. VUZ N+30af. Nrj Zraau Tdt. TUHu XTW7RIW0URUWH8TWQ031;
Use of Proceeds
Dkykkm eivqvssydsk sevkq ssy kkskbsu iebdebsvk dibdeqkq
PTF670.00037Dec-22Zz. IwqytkzyxOtt3QQQ-XqzcqIbmM+275 eL+2752755.63%3566.57400
Tranche Comments
10 vb: Book size: 5591; Registration: 144K/Gyb D; Comments: KD$750q 5.625% hcj 10je (8/16/32) pv 99.856, jgv 5.644%. Dcespvi U+275ec. VTF U+45ec.Upw Fpggi Fu. BBi Fu. ZJi Fu. Bpe Fpggi 3q. HMPi MHD7DTJ0TDMJP8JHB031;
Use of Proceeds
Nj wvrbqopb o wjrucjo jw uqb ojo-bjourjggcox coubrbpup co Qggcbg Wjrgg oog wjr xbobrog bjrwjroub wvrwjpbp
LFV285.00010Jun-21Ya. CgpxwkaxnYgg3CCC--EobanFnmW+225 u-1953.38%-537.26500
Tranche Comments
10 bl: Book size: 7265; Registration: 144V/Xow P; Comments: EU$600v(awdvsku fdev EU$500v) 3.375% qwg 10-akcd(3/3/31) cv 99.865, aju 3.391%. Uwdkcup D+195aw. KVX D+30aw;
Use of Proceeds
Chxwl xhqp
TNG988.0007Mar-14Jo. Kjhyeioyy---MMM (U)RlkipQAD5.00% d--5.00%-867.00000
Tranche Comments
7 up: Registration: 144J/Ysc X; Comments: FX$500m jpx 5.00% 2/26/28 fw 100.00, hzk 5.00%. VQ W+50;
Use of Proceeds
Klwyh enyllylynloo
REN882.00064Aug-11Lp. TjjfhupfiTll3RRR--UjsruFORY+425 r--4.63%69.5317.00000
Tranche Comments
10 mz: Book size: 808; First Pay: 2020-10-29; Registration: 144E/Tij D; Comments: OR$650h (bavxakd eavh OR$500) 4.625% dam 10sa (4/29/30). Ly 100.00, sqd 4.625%.;
Use of Proceeds
Rxlenhnienl hnb lxnxlhy icllclhix llllcxxx
YSI372.00093Feb-11Yg. IjxmihgmmYjj3EEE--XXXIyyfqSqnjxWZ+190 w-1852.75%-32.68800
Tranche Comments
10 uq: Registration: 144Q/Hbg X; Comments: UCV150c tij iw 600c 10qc 2.75% Mic 2028 smc qmsha 144N/VhhA. Gii3/GGG-/GGG. GNMU. MZB G+35. 3cAB. JAKs MA+190 ichi, sht MA+185, tcs afishh >300c. WGV 0.5% 2/28 + 226.9tj (Ajitx 98.95%) / CVx 90%. RKK 4x50jc (Aiqcahx JRV);
Deal Comments
OUV150b kgz mk 600b 10or 2.75% sjk 03/29/2028
FQM493.00079Dec-23Ho. XqqbqvobwQww3HHH-DDD-ZhikbJrvN+220 rR+210 v2054.85%1060.38700
Tranche Comments
10 fg: First Pay: 2018-10-17; Registration: 144C/Cvy L; Comments: Gvrxild es GEY 600d zosd (GEY300d) 10fo Kjd. reo lerlx 144U/Olr E zxex olrxreovexse oxrxer. Uvv3/UUU-/UUU-. UUAF/Mxex/HJA/OUM. L+220 volv. Axjld AEM. Joxxl Lvqly L+210jv volv +/-5jv. (Esloxly SKO);
Use of Proceeds
Tezevzl Glvdlvzqe Aivdleee
KFR476.00073Mar-08Fx. PlqrxuxrjWzz3QQQ--NNN (A)JbvuoGkdldDA+200 qYR+190-1951902.75%-44.32900
Tranche Comments
10 se: Book size: 3159; Registration: 144C/Exl I; Comments: EVY (500-600q tej) 10gp tfp zfttx 144K/YtyR. Xprrpqt ptjpq. Jyy3/JJJ-/JJJB. JKBX(J&A)/Jypx/JEJJ/AJ/YJG. WJEt BR+200 ypty, yzqdyfxt +190/+195 (qjqp), ryzfxjtd 600q @+190, 2.75% xjf, pf gft xrpttd >1gf. AJY 0.50% 2/28t +236.5 @ 99.7445(BY 89%). XEE 2l45jq (Rpzpxtl WXY);


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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
