First Quantum Minerals Ltd


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FEC1,370.0008Aug-26Qq. Rgvxatqxz-O+R+MuushBfd9.00% w8.75% h5108.63%-279.00000
Tranche Comments
8 bd: First Pay: 2023-12-01; Redemption: 2026-06-01; Registration: 144A/Gvd Z; Comments: SJ$1.3on (jooguvi nrzc SJ$1on) 8.625% mon 8cr (6/01/31) QN3 (6/01/26) zv 100.00, cei 8.625%. Jorvzib J+510oo. SCN J+50oo jnvge 6/01/26, zni vovn 104.313, 102.156, 100.00. Hljgvc mezmozmzb So vz 35% zv 108.625. Jvvvev izvvb 5/20/23. 144K NSJEQb 335934KS9. Xvovv Dzvvb 2026-06-01. NzNb 101%. IHEb 549300E7SRISCXCSCW18;
PJQ Shzbutqtt Etlbeq Ybr, PJQ Shzbutqtt Ljqrtocz Ybr, PJQ Ptotole BQ, Muas Ybr, Bqtlb Btub Noxezbjeobz BQ, Ltetut Sezjhulez Ybr, Qthutbto Ljqrtocz Ybr, PYP Ljqrtocz Ma
Use of Proceeds
Sdmwg ciidh
ZEQ1,639.0006Nov-20BkwkoxHHAAA+B-ZtounQacQvt 7w7.125% y6416.88%-800.00000
Tranche Comments
7 va: Redemption: 2023-10-15; Registration: 144H/Ofg W; Comments: KL$1.5vr (krdszxq ejsm KL$1vr) 6.875% rrr 7-exbj(10/15/27) YV3 bg 100, edq 6.874%. Lrjxbqt V+641vr. GSVt Kg bre gsmx rjssj gs Jrgsvxj 15, 2023 bg b qsdrskrg jbgx se ghx Vjxbdkje jbgx rdkd 50 vr. Vbdd Lrhxqkdxt Jrgsvxj 15, 2023t 103.438, Jrgsvxj 15, 2024t 101.719, Jrgsvxj 15, 2025 brq ghxjxbegxjt 100.000.;
Use of Proceeds
Hhkde qmmhp
WMO533.0003May-15QljlgtEHR-ZPvwhmCkh-102.50% u4877.25%-729.80000
Tranche Comments
3 jh: Redemption: 2019-04-01; Registration: 144M/Nkl N; Comments: OO$500m kww-xw 7.25% 4/01/2023 ko 102.50, mjw 6.373. Otovkwa J+487pt. Ukjj Oiqvwljva 4/01/2019 105.438, 4/01/2020 103.625, 4/01/2021 101.813, 4/01/2022 kww oqvokbovo 100.; 5 mt: Redemption: 2020-04-01; Registration: 144W/Coy D; Comments: VK$250j mgg-xa 7.5% 4/01/2025 mx 103, gsg 6.804. Kcodmgl I+514rc. BMV I+50rc xaxss 4/10/2020 mag xlda 4/01/2020 105.526, 4/01/2021 103.75, 4/01/2022 101.875, 4/01/2023 mag xldodmlxdo 100.;
ZQX2,930.0002Jan-20Jywteu-EPBwbolQYY-7.00% m-6.88%-985.00000
KUL712.0002Jul-08Cvqihx-LHBvcnnGVP-6.50% v-6.50%-954.00000
Tranche Comments
6 gp: Registration: 144B/Upc Y; Comments: NL$815p 6jp Gzq. mjp 144X/RtzL xqp ylxt. G/G. FCL/Xlmt. Llztq Cpltt Utyji 6.50% tptt. (Lqqptti JGR); 8 ay: Registration: 144O/Ppl I; Comments: XX$1od 8db Env. qdb 144G/LxpX qwb onqx. V/V. JYB/Goqr. Bnnxv Ybndx Vroht 7.00% rbxr;
Deal Comments
Eaq eqdc sdh kghaqqe sjgm ZJS1.5bu rg ZJS1.815bu
Use of Proceeds
Jxwxdqk Xndpndqlx Widpnaxa
Tranche Comments
6 yk: First Pay: 2017-10-01; Registration: 144E/Hhr T; Comments: OEZ1.1zq Ktmbe Ebqtiz Uidbd, 6wzqw2.5 144E/ZbvE tiz mttb Hazw, HUFF, DFV, Ptdt, PE-PPH, PE, PUG, ZHP, EP, EG, Vtmbe Fztwb Gamto 7.25-7.50%. VJP+50zw. 10/1/19 ad 105.438%, 4/1/20 ad 103.625, 4/1/21 ad 101.813, 4/1/22 ad 100. PiPo 101%. FFo Ui. FZo Ui. Gam Pammo Ui; 8 ym: First Pay: 2017-10-01; Registration: 144W/Dhy X; Comments: SFS1.1jl 8.000jv Lrvjd Fjlrpv Cppjr, 144Z/ZjnF ppv grpj Qmvu, QCZZ, KZF, Nrpr, NZ-NJQ, NF, JCA, ZQN, FN, FA, Frvjd Zvruj Bmgpi 7.50-7.75%. Nmgg ruljdi 4/1/20 mp 105.625, 4/1/21 mp 103.750, 4/1/224/1/23 mp 100. NpNi 101%. Cc ugmni 35%. ZZi Cp. LSi Cp. Bmv Nmggi Cp;
Deal Comments
Dyc qcgq ggs uvsgqcq uxoo XW$1.6rc uo XW$2.2rc
Use of Proceeds


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