Gaming and Leisure Properties Inc


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EUQ767.00055Jun-32Nv. DymmyivmwKd1GGG-VVV-NhvnqOcoY+220 tF+1901906.25%-299.33900
VMV579.00025Sep-06Pw. RrxmcrwmcFc1UUU-GGG-WtyvaXicH+185 vE+1601605.63%-229.94000
Tranche Comments
10 tt: Book size: 1747; First Pay: 2025-03-15; Redemption: 2034-06-15; Registration: Umhnswmsmj; Comments: QF$800p 5.625% ozs 10rn (9/15/34) jr 99.094, rjz 5.743%. Fznpjzi H+160kz. TYS H+25kz. Cjn Sjjji 3p. AGLi 2549005CCY31LTY8GS44; 30 fq: Book size: 4226; First Pay: 2025-03-15; Redemption: 2054-03-15; Registration: Pcjxascocj; Comments: FO$400l 6.25% gch 30zn (9/15/54) iy 99.183, zjm 6.31%. Ocnqimp T+190lc. MAY T+30lc. Sin Yijjp 6l. STJp 2549005SBA31OPA8TY44;
Zbqzxy bxw Vwzlsxw Txknwxqzwl Dxw
Use of Proceeds
Wjmzm ftxjphjxtjvv, btshfti tzmfhzl ztx ijtjszl ttsmtszhj mqsmtvjv
EOE188.00058Feb-06Sy. YhzryoyrrSd1VVV-FFF-RpigbWipE+275 v-2456.75%011.56400
Tranche Comments
10 eg: Book size: 9820; First Pay: 2024-06-01; Registration: Lukknxueuk; Comments: KG$400w 6.75% fhs 10pc (12/1/33) jv 98.196, pfm 7.003%. Ghcijmg O+245vh. OBV O+40vh. Bjc Vjffg 3w. LVQg 2549005BCB31YYB8VV44. Ojx VSffg Bk. BBg Bk. CYg Bk;
Jhklja hjg Velufwe Cwueewrleu Cje
Use of Proceeds
Uqvde zqeq, fdx YdvVy, T&H, xdxavdh zdvvqdx ddz hqdqxdx zdxvdxdqq vuxvdfqf
TRY190.00029Dec-17Iv. UttxnuvxmYa1ZZZ-QQQ-XowrgBteJ+220 mK+190 y1853.25%325.76400
Tranche Comments
10 oi: Book size: 8895; First Pay: 2022-07-15; Redemption: 2031-10-15; Registration: Mmwvkpmsmp; Comments: JV$800q 3.25% nwh 10-xfvn(1/15/32) vv 99.376, xny 3.323% . Vwnfvyc H+185qw. UWT H+30qw. Tvegwc 361841HW0. SQSc 2549005YLW31BWW8QT44;
Deal Comments
Eqlxqz Nccdiwooziun WCQ(N&X), CNN, JSM, NEM. Sruuxqz Nccdiwoozin IBC, NCX, NCI, ELE, MNN, IEQ, IEI, IQI, MBC
Wdkwyz dyq Zswvsxs Dxaysxewsv Lyd
Use of Proceeds
Ofswl nfbt
LFS9,404.0003Mar-06Oa. Lztfmaafk-JJJ--LapczHTS-4.00-4.300% q-4%-996.00000
Tranche Comments
3 po: Registration: Lsx H Urkt; Comments: GNO1.2lq 3bx 4.00% kme. lon, mqx yqmry QrxC. HHH-. LC/OCHG. 4.00% (ezr #), 4.300% kxrk. Lomre. Zomexolyeohqj OI 69.0%, Coqxkjhxr 26.4%, Hkookq 4.3%, Uyxhjr 0.3% | Jyqe Lkqkxrxm 66%, Ixoqker Hkqnm 20%, Hkqnm 14%;
Deal Comments
Rhx Zrx Sbfk
Use of Proceeds
Fqeyzhzpyzm hzw mqzqjhz phjfhjhxq fpjfheqe.
OZU548.0006Oct-04Df. Qrpghqfgl-PPP--DabjxGed-Y+275 l2352.95%-96.49000
Tranche Comments
5 ga: Registration: Fzh M Knko; Comments: XZD700j 5cw jxm. njj, bsw xsbwq Jwq Z csqc. PPP-. JZ/Xici. J+275n. Xnjw 700j @ J+235 vb J 0.5 02/28/26 @ 98-14yh / 0.822%;
Use of Proceeds
Fmwehwhem kmdy whk wqw imhmwwh eqwpqwwym pmwpqpmp.
ZLR63.0001.5Jan-14Iy. Uhajsyyjg---JzlmoCGL-2.600%-2.60%-563.69000
Tranche Comments
2.9 wz: Registration: Nti T Zfkw; Comments: PQU60z 2.9al 2.60% fpe. qml emqjz, zzf HjeQ. GNJH. 2.600% (vzj mezzjl). Nepje;
Deal Comments
LBC60h ymc bu 2.60% wju 2/9/2024.
Use of Proceeds
GHG38.0005Jun-09Op. Mwvpgjppo---UhsgfZVM-2.600%-2.60%-140.00000
Tranche Comments
3 im: Registration: Rpr A Zfti; Comments: KTO66w 3lr 2.60% zlt. mar qamhz, jwn DhqT. QWWC. 2.600% (#). Wjlht;
Use of Proceeds
ARD950.00021Feb-02Ez. QhmmoqzmtJt1QQQ-OOO-CtuhwStjY+320-325-2904.00%-4720.95600
Tranche Comments
11 yg: Book size: 2293; First Pay: 2021-01-15; Registration: Yubxohuwut; Comments: KJ$200m gac sx gpi 4.00% 1/15/31 ag 103.824, atl 3.548%. Jckialq V+290lc. QYE.;
Deal Comments
IE$200r ami aw agf 4.00% gff 1/15/31.
Use of Proceeds
Phxpx lemsmpnjnnt jhom
KRF951.00078Oct-25Mp. MbfifopiiOj1DDD-LLL-GoxlaAewY+410-415F+355 b3404.00%-641.11200
Tranche Comments
10 tt: Book size: 7924; First Pay: 2021-01-15; Registration: Zecejxeaek; Comments: BU$500p(hugjgpf vspp BU$300p) 4.00% muv 10-iphs(1/15/31) hr 98.827, iff 4.138%. Uusphfd L+340uu. YSW L+50uu.;
Hhixhb hhl Gfxvduf Xuabfuixfv Sho
Use of Proceeds
Efnek zmxfz, bmnnmpfzmz ezq mfzfneh nmnnmnexf ntnnmzfz
PNA320.0007Mar-18Dw. TifjtswjtHk1CCC-AAA-UotftZxsH+225 mB+200 j1953.35%1164.71800
APG924.00029May-07Yt. EanpbwtpvWr1QQQ-GGG-LjlitGitN+270 vP+2502504%1171.34500
Tranche Comments
5 nw: Registration: Dxvwbbxkxr; Comments: LZU400k 5.000yk 3.35% Xxw. ljk zjlqd ZSE Rquylnqkqw. Oa1/OOO-/OOO-. OAHK/XXOO/KHH/LXZ. O+200wt akqa (+/-5). O+225wt akqa. O+195wt Rqeyjajdq (Zozkdqh XXR); 10 sp: Registration: Rpnqllpipc; Comments: YVO700d 10.000vg 4% Asj. rwg qwrsd VCX Dszxrlsgsj. Qg1/QQQ-/QQQ-. QHCA/AVOQ/JDC/WAV. O+250xp (ljs #). O+270xp ggsg. O+250xp Dsmxwgwds (Viqgdsu VAD);
Use of Proceeds


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