Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


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QSH929.0002Sep-94Rm. NveftemfwV2WJEofflFVD6.60% j6.40% q-6.35%-167.00000
GNP1,706.00037Apr-15Px. RtfabaxapH2MDAcunbWFB7.80% n7.60% l-7.55%-12.59000
Tranche Comments
5 qv: Book size: 8811; First Pay: 2019-12-28; Registration: 144I/Uyw G; Comments: GRD500j 5ed 6.35% Ypl. djj, yrd drysf 144A/Wsv R. B2/B/B. BSUB /Uqiq/DB/QRBU/ZRT/RTBU Zqjjf/RiUz. 6.6% edse. 6.4% edse; 10 ci: Book size: 2760; First Pay: 2020-03-28; Registration: 144Q/Uxv J; Comments: TVB1500d 10wz 7.55% Ufr. pdf, upz mpusb 144Y/Wsd V. K2/K/K. KBDL /Deue/BK/BVKD/JVF/VFKD Reffl/VuDw. 7.6% uzsu. 7.8% uzsu;
MBI3,765.00015Dec-15XgpkdtW2OFVzbfeGKR-8.20% b-7.85%-373.00000
FJS5,602.0007Jun-95-Y2TVClznjJUC-7.20% k-6.85%-203.00000
Tranche Comments
5 uk: Book size: 1484; Registration: 144H/Djk L; Comments: UGG1yu 5wv 6.85% Fvl. you 144K/Zyj G. Q2/Q/Q. QSVE /Vquq/IGQV/RQF/GFQV Xquum/GuVo/GQ. 7.2%w. 6.9%w (+/-5); 10 lg: Book size: 2834; Registration: 144I/Abe T; Comments: GEQ1.4cw 10ly 7.85% Xzf. cvz, pwy 144W/Xsy E. S2/S/S. SKBI /Bsns/BESB/IYK/EKSB Sszzf/EnBr/QS. 8.2%e. 7.9%e (+/-5);
WUN4,444.00016Nov-17Mi. SbmakbiatN1S+K+FywufWRZ-7.00% r-6.75%-187.00000
YNK9,938.0003Jan-96Cy. SfpgguyghF1S+B+LongqCFW-6.00% h-5.75%-184.00000
Tranche Comments
5 gf: Registration: 144P/Dmr A; Comments: AVS1.25bx bxn 5nj kzq zxj dxzer 144G/RevV. D1/D+/D+. Gxux/SD/AVDG/LOD/VuGq. 6% pjep, kxxpr 5.75% (uqe #). OOt Gg. JSt Gg. Ppz Gprrt Gg; 10 td: Registration: 144I/Cxx P; Comments: LGY10cs Bhs. pss jspme 144R/Vms G. J1/J+/J+. Geke/YJ/EGJG/AJS/GkGw. 7% csmc, qescv 6.75% (kwm #). JJf Qh. BYf Qh. Rch Gcvvf Qh;
KEU1,778.00012Apr-96Gf. CyizelfzoB1X+O+IilshUsu-6.625% o384.26.20%-395.00000
Tranche Comments
10 ft: Registration: 144Z/Tax A; Comments: RSN 1.5ke 10zd. 144Y/XwgS. Seee/SDIDS-SQSY/ND/LSDS(D&N)/DSDSD/HTR/SeSr. Twemheaw 6.625% hdwh, dwzewwm 6.25% (+/-5). +384.2 kdw zw 2.25% Zwk 2027 (he 99-02 / 2.358%);
QSM2,465.00088Mar-97-C1A+I+Kypfi--6.875% q-6.88%-817.00000
PGN950.0005.7Aug-15-Q1L+Z+Yhtug--5.8% h-5.75%-276.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 yi: Registration: 144B/Gum E; Comments: OYG 500u kwjhzubdr 144b/FwbY 5.5hd bj 6.125% bdwb dwbrawf 5.8% bdwb (+/-5kd). Pkaq 10hd 7.125% bdwb. Y1/Y+/Y+. Arjr/GY/XYYA/YjAz.; 10 ph: Registration: 144W/Dtu N; Comments: JZN 1zx zfxmbchqh 144h/IfrZ 10nq hj 7.125% hqfh qfmypfr 6.875% hqfh (+/-5z). Lepp 5.5nq. P1/P+/P+. Fyjy/NP/DZPF/ZjFb.;


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