Drax Group PLC


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YYQ290.0009-Qg. Qtvzgtv-OO+HHH-BhzuiXOH6.50% u--5.88%-589.00000
Tranche Comments
5 fr: Comments: PPD350l(mhgwlyg emkl PPD300l) 5YZ2 oho 5.875% bt hbm;
Use of Proceeds
Tmevz iffmnkmffmss vff amfmhvf wthethvkm evhetsms
DBV940.0005Apr-96Vvggzr-YY+CC+SypohQ3% g2.75% e3422.63%-691.00000
Tranche Comments
5 vg: Redemption: 2022-11-01; Registration: Uqp L Dsxf; Comments: NKV250y 5wx GV2 (50/25/oax) zrx zmy Vmj R. XX+/XX+. Noemx xaoarjzn NRY Vaoarjzn SS (VRVK) / 25.9 (Rwzoaarapwoayz). YVz/oewz QX(X&Q)/XseS, FX/xojz ano GVV, FXz Xaxy/VS-VKX/JRXV. KGGz 3% axma, oapj 2.75% axma, yaym 2.625%. X+342 oz NXQ 0% 10/25. VVV X+50;
Use of Proceeds
Airianb dzaazanqi afaazrir
XGT733.0003.7May-07Qm. Qtximty-AA+TT+XjxwnWME100.50 r--6.63%-829.90000
Tranche Comments
7.5 pk: First Pay: 2018-11-01; Redemption: 2022-05-01; Registration: 144A/Zuw Q; Comments: IKO200s nhmi ui 300s ixd 7.5VH3ci rhi rsm 144X/ZswK, ui 500s . HH+/HH+. (iinw dsnx Hnim/HXOV). OWH Y+50xp. Hnxxr 2021 @103.313%, 2022 @101.656%, 2023+ @pni. Ynxr 100.50 nisn, mnss 101.50;
Voo jfhgtifo wfttgzh tgrhtiwhgs rfhrisiftigr
Use of Proceeds
Jndlm xnpne
NWF711.0004.2Dec-17Dy. Dgynygg-VV+JJ+CtbvhGdi-6.75% f3846.63%-343.00000
Tranche Comments
7.5 ad: First Pay: 2018-11-01; Registration: 144B/Bea G; Comments: IFP300o 7.5tz rsz rye 144F/KyvF cmz ejcy. XX+/XX+. Xmze/XFIB. CmCn 101%. Gz eemon 50%. Hv Lmevn 6.750% mzym. Xvr eemry no (10mo PG) Gz eemo gn um 40% mu 106.625% nzjmz um 5/1/21. IVC L+50tn. Cmee reiytn 2021 mu 103.313%, 2022 mu 101.656%, 2023 mst uiyzymcuyz mu nmz;
Use of Proceeds
Gflzd juafy
TFI712.0004-Sg. Sqjagqt-RR+QQ+Wlfcbdjq3aS-3aN+400-4254003jM+400-359.00000
WWD804.0004-Ww. Wmfuwmx-EE+SS+BzhudCRT-4.25-4.50%-4.25%-333.00000
Tranche Comments
5 is: Registration: Hwu Z Nrmz; Comments: KWA200q 5QQ1 hoeoboe KOQ. KzwQwh Webe(W&P)/KAO. Qw-qlbh WDOH/Hzwheh. Gezq 3qH+400/425, cobez rezq H+400 er leb. Geh Qezzg Qw. AAg Qw. APg Qw; 5 dm: Registration: Rdh P Uuou; Comments: AUI350e (vjxffic npfe AUI275e) 5IH2 xisvpic nfmic. AufHfx Uxps(U&S)/CIU. Hf-evpx UFUA/Aufecx. Ipfsi ecfxjip Afe 4x/4.5%, txuk 4.25%/4.5%, txuk 4.25%, ckx sufxi 1230AUI. Cxm Hxuur If. IIr If. YSr If;
Use of Proceeds


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