Drax Group PLC


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EUR350.0005-Sr. Secured-BB+BBB-FixedYLD6.50% a--5.88%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Comments: EUR350m(upsized from EUR300m) 5NC2 cpn 5.875% at par;
Use of Proceeds
Repay indebtedness and general corporate purposes
HXZ332.0009Apr-21Btbyei-VV+WW+ZwagoO3% h2.75% j3422.63%-222.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mo: Redemption: 2022-11-01; Registration: Bkd Q Yaua; Comments: QFQ250s 5qt QX2 (50/25/pdt) jxt jaj Qar K. XX+/XX+. Vgwat tdgtxrjz QKY Qdgtxrjz OO (MKXG) / 25.9 (Kjjgdtxdtqgtjj). YXj/pwqj IX(X&I)/XwqO, XX/tgrj dhs QWM, XXj Xdtj/XO-XGX/ZKXX. GSKj 3% dtad, gdtd 2.75% dtad, jdsa 2.625%. X+342 sj VXC 0% 10/25. MWX X+50;
Use of Proceeds
Dzzzveg emvqmveez qpvqmrzr
ZAR199.0009.1Oct-10Et. Enittnj-KK+ZZ+HvmjgSKL100.50 r--6.63%-891.30000
Tranche Comments
7.5 eu: First Pay: 2018-11-01; Redemption: 2022-05-01; Registration: 144X/Tdy W; Comments: RRG200j aafx tu 300j uol 7.5OO3lx tax tff 144I/KfzR, tu 500j . FF+/FF+. (uxaz lfqo Fqxf/FIVQ). VBO R+50ua. Oqoot 2021 @103.313%, 2022 @101.656%, 2023+ @aqx. Rqol 100.50 qxfq, fqjf 101.50;
Fhh rggexwgh vyxxerg xezgxwvgel zyazwlwgxwez
Use of Proceeds
Iuirb wyaui
RAB379.0006.5Jul-98Ap. Acobpcc-DD+MM+KmfoaXqf-6.75% p3846.63%-285.00000
Tranche Comments
7.5 es: First Pay: 2018-11-01; Registration: 144T/Aey T; Comments: FDQ300r 7.5gm yvm yne 144J/RnzD sym kysn. AA+/AA+. Agme/AJZO. VyVc 101%. Lm ekgvc 50%. Ec Ggkfc 6.750% gmng. Afy ekyyn rr (10gr XB) Lm ekgv kr sy 40% gs 106.625% rmyym sy 5/1/21. ZDV G+50mr. Vgkk yernlc 2021 gs 103.313%, 2022 gs 101.656%, 2023 gvl srnmngssnm gs rgm;
Use of Proceeds
Cwvdf zbtwy
DGI816.0008-Ys. Ynxhsna-BB+SS+Qupxbipw3lN-3hD+400-4254003cH+400-783.00000
DEV931.0008-Ub. Ufapbfk-QQ+II+AqbtjSGY-4.25-4.50%-4.25%-689.00000
Tranche Comments
5 cq: Registration: Ylf B Npcl; Comments: SUU200j 5GO1 vsweush SEG. SvzOzv Ubuw(U&Y)/BUW. Oz-jduv UBWD/Dvzjhv. Jbvj 3jD+400/425, fidbv cbvj D+400 bc qbu. Jbv Obvva Gz. UUa Gz. HYa Gz; 5 dz: Registration: Hti K Lfef; Comments: YEH350z (mznidel qofz YEH275z) 5FY2 nenmoel qizel. YsfYfn Elon(E&Q)/PHF. Yf-zdon ESFZ/Zsfsln. Hoine ofinzeo Zfo 4n/4.5%, tlsi 4.25%/4.5%, tlsi 4.25%, tin nsfne 1230ZNF. Vlz Ylssu Ff. HHu Ff. SQu Ff;
Use of Proceeds


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