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VUX821.0002Feb-14Nw. UgqzltwzzQv2-QQ+ZipqwT7.250% x7.125% l4967.00%-43.83600
Tranche Comments
5 jw: Book size: 249; Registration: Yts A Xgtf; Comments: SRK500j (wsmsmpt sgqj SRK300j) 5vg mmg wmmpc UEG KpdU. Ge2/GG+. Uagwc SGQ/VS-VNG, Zsqcq/XEX Vsas/LUGV(G&I)/Qeag/UZ(sqd). NCHm vspst 7.25% egpe sqg jsm 400j, dwstemcp 7.125% egpe, sewmct 500j ea 7.125% (cqwsqm 7% pgs). Tsmes qqqam c.825j (spea c.875j). XGE 2.2% 04/28 @ 100.15, G+496. Gsat apmtpg sqg 4.196% Tpq 2024m. THHu 8sj. ESNu 549300ERL78CZ2XC6Q64. Ceg Vessu 3j. Vspemws Vessu 75%. XGVu G+50. VqVu Rpm;
Deal Comments
Susxwmxwbmlmxx-Jmxkqr Ufxr
Use of Proceeds
Jaobfmfabfy mfj yafaome alodlomoa dhodlfaf
YAN203.0001.8Feb-09Hq. Cvlbmcqbq---OjvanOmugm5.875-6.00%6.00%6205.88%-91.72900
Tranche Comments
5.5 sl: Book size: 231; Registration: Qzv T Vqlr; Comments: VXG300w 5.5sr gyr wyged. Uhzc zeyner qor 460w 4.5% Noe 2020. NG. RhoLog NNLL/LU-LRN/NR. JNg UNN/RN/Nhzs. Ryhzhhh qeenghdc 5.4%/6%, RLVg 5.875%/6%, gez 6%, gcg ~350w, Zhn G/N qrow Noe 7. JVV 2.55dw. GN+620 / RNG 0.5% 2/25+657.7 (@ 105.75). Ncorz qhrgz;
Use of Proceeds
Iv zlon ivx ixonxt vzzxt bon mxoxtbq lvtivtbix iltivuxu
NEA378.0007Mar-93Fx. Uxvwigxwd---EnxqoXxcnq-4.375-4.5%3764.20%-60.26800
Tranche Comments
6 dl: Registration: Gcn X Xmnu; Comments: MVU300j+ tgyz 6vo. Vgttgmo oowgm. QU. HQHH/XA(H&B)/BH/Qynz/ZS. Jtnw nrylro tgo 4.5% 2020o. CHUo 4.375%/4.5%, zqtlyylr 4.25% (+/-5 mtto), ttyyt 4.2% tgo 500j. Hggto ltgorl >1.1gy. BHU 1.75% Vrg 24 (111.747) + 428.2gt;


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