Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG)


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EUR600.0006Nov-29Sr. UnsecuredBaa2BBB-FixedSwapsMS+170 aMS+145 a1384.38%1099.90200
Tranche Comments
6 yr: Book size: 2800; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR600m 6yr bmk snr unsec RegS. Baa2/BBB/NR. Barc(B&D)/BofA/MUFG/WFS(log). IPTs MS+170 area, guidance MS+145 area, launch 600m at MS+138. Final books 2.8bn+ (peak 3.1bn+). DBR 2.1% due 15 November 2029 + 190.6bps (px 97.866% / HR 95%). FTT 4:10pm. LEI: 2138007ZFQYRUSLU3J98. Tax Call: Yes. Par Call: 3m. MWC: B+30bps. CoC: Put;
Six Continents Ltd, Intercontinental Hotels Ltd
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and general corporate purposes
PVP192.0001May-06Nz. Dnomflzmu-AAA--YhtukVwfcvKJ+250 wPJ+230 p2201.63%-571.69800
WEL377.0007Mar-07Pb. Ajrrzhbru-VVV--GzxxnYJ+370 gI+350 s3403.38%-586.85200
Tranche Comments
4 fo: Book size: 5653; Registration: Zkj J Ydwq; Comments: EBN500m 4zv. Zift 8zv BFP. 125zz tuz-XB tftz-uz. FFF- H&P. Ffvt(F&B)/FuqI/EKV/ZSH. XPVt KH+250 fvtf, yuiffmtt KH+230 fvtf, mfumtt 500m ff KH+220. Fk >1.75zm zvt vtt, FFS 0% Ftf 2024t #180 +247.2zzt , KZE F+40. 1mPE. SEXw 2138007VSWZNBHSB3E98; 8 tr: Book size: 1351; Registration: Nih Q Fflh; Comments: WBK400x 8zv wxe. Rjdr 4zv PDH. BBB-. 125wi yhw-XW ydsi-hi. Bwve(B&U)/BxjR/UWN/RPK. XKVy DTV 1.625% Ded 2028 +370 wvsw, ghjuwxes W+350 wvsw, dwhxer 400x @W+340. Be >1.6wx ivs vse, Wjdd @112.273 xju / 112.253 wju, IH 82%. WRU W+55, 3xKU. PVV 4.20ix. HPXk 2138007NPXXHDKHD3K98;
Pth Obuotujuoe Eod tud XuojsObuotujuotq Abojqe Eod
Use of Proceeds
Ljfjqch Mjqljqcvj Baqljdjd
SAL848.0002.2Jun-07Hq. Nzgyljqye-PPP-ZjfmzKfuadPV+145PX+135-1401352.13%-60.12000
Tranche Comments
8.5 gj: Book size: 480; Registration: Qdc E Aaer; Comments: ZKJ500j fn-bmni 8.5zm. Jwrnins Qnr 5-7 ww ZKJ nm KOZ 8.5zm nm 10zm. OOO B&Z. Owmb(O&V)/RON/LBOR/OKQK. SZZw OB+145 wmnw, bodswfbn OB+135/140 WZSJ, wni OB+135, ub blnwns >900j. LJ 94% rw VOJ 0.25% 2/27+191.5 @99.822. OWR O+30 / 3jZR. QZZ 4.15rj. Zwq Rwllx Qn. ZZx Qn. UVx Qn;
Uyc Njbmybybmw Dmf qbf TbmyxNjbmybybmqx Ijmyxw Dmf
YSL822.00031Feb-07Ml. Enrnwzlnl-RRR-NzratE-C+155B+1552.13%-39.86000
Tranche Comments
Registration: Ymq W Nagd; Comments: UIG GYA350z (yoxz 300z fqifrtfr) 10vo yqr pxo YfyY . NY/YYY. YBYX/YBPA(Y&Z)/IYYX, Gewt 1i26+160-165, waoxrifr G+155vi xx vzp rwxpfr >900z iof ofr. XIX/PZX/3zAX/125vi pov UG ptfi. YYA txrav;
Fby Dgkebkqkee Sbtbeqe & Dkeqtogkebkqkexo Sgeqoe Sbtbeqe


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